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Created July 5, 2016 02:59
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Manage incidents with Incident Commandar System.
# Description:
# Manage incidents with Incident Commandar System.
# Commands:
# bot 110 ic me - Start an incident management and assign 'me' as the Incident Commandar
moment = require('moment')
module.exports = (robot) ->
robot.respond /110 ic me/i, (res) ->
userId =
userName =
date = new Date
incident = {
"ic": "",
"cl": "",
"startDate": date,
"severity": 5,
"title": "",
"status": []
incident.ic = userId
robot.brain.set "incident", incident
res.send """
EMERGENCY STARTED BY <@#{userName}> AT #{date}
> <@#{userName}> is now the Incident Commandar:
> * Use `bot 110 set title` to set/update the incident title in Upboard
> * Use `bot 110 set status` to set/update the incident status
> * For next steps, Consul the IC checklist:
robot.respond /110 cl me/i, (res) ->
userId =
userName =
date = new Date
incident = robot.brain.get "incident" || {} = userId
robot.brain.set "incident", incident
res.send """
> <@#{userName}> is now the Communication Lead:
> * For next steps, consul with the Support playbook:
> * See the gudelines for posting site status:
> * Log into Internal Status Page and sent initial internal comms:
robot.respond /110 set title (.+)\s*$/i, (res) ->
title = res.match[1]
incident = robot.brain.get "incident" || {}
if incident.title != title
incident.title = title
robot.brain.set "incident", incident
res.send """
*Title changed:*
robot.respond /110 set status (.+)\s*$/i, (res) ->
status = res.match[1]
incident = robot.brain.get "incident" || {}
incident.status.push {"eventDate": new Date, "status": status}
robot.brain.set "incident", incident
res.send """
*Status changed:*
robot.respond /110 over$/i, (res) ->
userId =
userName =
date = new Date
incident = robot.brain.get "incident" || {}
incident.endDate = date
duration = moment.duration(incident.endDate - incident.startDate)
res.send """
EMERGENCY ENDED BY <@#{userName}> IN #{duration.humanize().toUpperCase()} (STARTED: #{incident.startDate})
ic =[incident.ic]
cl =[]
incident_timeline = ""
for s in incident.status.reverse()
incident_timeline += "- #{s.eventDate} #{s.status}\n"
res.send """
<@#{}>: You should:
* update the incident report in Upboad:
# #{incident.title}: #{incident.startDate}
Incident management info: http://incident-management-cheat-sheet
## Summary
TODO: Write incident summary here
## Members
| Role | Slack Name | Full Name |
| Incident Commander | #{} | #{ic.real_name} |
| Communication Lead | #{} | #{cl.real_name} |
## Incident timeline (most recent first)
res.send """
<@#{}>: You should:
* Consul with CM about resolving external communications and component statuses.
* Write (and get approved by the CM) a Resolved internal status page message.
* Ask IC for a list of affected customers. Send this list to KAMs may also use to pull a CSV.
* Ensure Customer Communications information is added to Upboard:
robot.brain.remove "incident"
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