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Copy google spreadsheet with all protected ranges permissions
function Main() {
var template = DriveApp.getFileById('YOUR_SPREADSHEET_ID'); //template spreadsheet
var destination = DriveApp.getFolderById('COPY_DESTINATION_FOLDER_ID'); //the directory to copy the file into
var curDate = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), Session.getScriptTimeZone(), "yyyy-MM-dd");
var copyName = template.getName() + ' copy ' + curDate; //the filename that should be applied to the new copy (e.g. "My spreadsheet copy 2019-08-24")
copyTemplate(template, copyName, destination);
* Copy google spreadsheet with all protected ranges permissions
* @param {File} template - Template spreadsheet
* @param {string} [copyName] - The filename that should be applied to the new copy (Optional)
* @param {Folder} [destination] - The directory to copy the file into (Optional)
* @param {boolean} [allowDuplicates] - Allow copying if a file with a given name already exists (Optional)
* @throws Will throw an error if an error occurs ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
* @example
* //creates a copy of the template with the same name, inside the root directory, ignore the duplicates
* var myTemplate = DriveApp.getFileById('MY_TEMPLATE_ID');
* copyTemplate(myTemplate);
* @example
* //creates a copy of the template with the same name, inside the defined directory, if no duplicates exist
* var myTemplate = DriveApp.getFileById('MY_TEMPLATE_ID');
* var copyDestination = DriveApp.getFolderById('DESTINATION_DIRECTORY_ID');
* copyTemplate(myTemplate, null, copyDestination, false);
function copyTemplate(template, copyName, destination, allowDuplicates) {
var newSheet, templateSheet, fileIterator;
//set defaults
copyName = copyName || template.getName();
destination = destination || DriveApp.getRootFolder();
allowDuplicates = allowDuplicates === false ? false : true;
//if duplicates are disallowed and a file with the given name already exists, stop execution
if(!allowDuplicates) {
fileIterator = destination.getFilesByName(copyName);
while (fileIterator.hasNext()) {
if( == MimeType.GOOGLE_SHEETS) {
throw new Error("File already exists");
templateSheet =;
newSheet =, destination));
//copy protections from the template to the new spreadsheet
copyProtections(templateSheet, newSheet);
* Copies protections from the origin to the target
* @param {Spreadsheet} origin - Origin spreadsheet
* @param {Spreadsheet} target - Target spreadsheet
function copyProtections(origin, target) {
var sheets = origin.getSheets();
for(var i = 0; i < sheets.length; i++) {
var newSheet = target.getSheetByName(sheets[i].getName());
var sheetProtection = sheets[i].getProtections(SpreadsheetApp.ProtectionType.SHEET)[0];
var newSheetProtection = newSheet.getProtections(SpreadsheetApp.ProtectionType.SHEET)[0];
var rangeProtections = sheets[i].getProtections(SpreadsheetApp.ProtectionType.RANGE);
var newRangeProtections = newSheet.getProtections(SpreadsheetApp.ProtectionType.RANGE);
//Recreate sheet protection from scratch
if(sheetProtection) {
var unprotected = sheetProtection.getUnprotectedRanges();
var newUnprotected = [];
for (var j = 0; j < unprotected.length; j++) {
cloneProperties(sheetProtection, newSheetProtection);
//Remove range protections in the new sheet
for(var j = 0; j < newRangeProtections.length; j++) {
//Recereate range protections from scratch
for (var j = 0; j < rangeProtections.length; j++) {
var protection = rangeProtections[j];
var newProtection;
if(protection.getRangeName()) {
//if protection is set to the named range
newProtection = target.getRangeByName(protection.getRangeName()).protect();
} else {
newProtection = newSheet.getRange(protection.getRange().getA1Notation()).protect();
cloneProperties(protection, newProtection);
}//end of ranges
}//end of sheets
* Copies protection object basic properties
* @param {Protection} origin - Protection object of the source
* @param {Protection} target - Protection object of the target
function cloneProperties(origin, target) {
if (!origin.isWarningOnly()) {
var editors = origin.getEditors();
var oldEditors = target.getEditors();
for(var i = 0; i < oldEditors.length; i++) {
for(var i = 0; i < editors.length; i++) {
if (origin.canDomainEdit()) {
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noviceinscript commented Jul 9, 2020

Hi takvol and all of you,

This is a request for help.
I dont know how to script. I am not a programmer or anything technical.

I just want to copy the content from a protected google sheet. It has all type of protection: copy protection,edit protection and all that.

The data in the sheet is about links to various sites for blog posting.
There are about 1100 links in the sheet. I just cant type each link manually.

Can anyone of you please help me?

Please take a look at the sheet. Kindly copy the full content in an excel sheet and send it to me by email.

I hope its not a big trouble.

Protected sheet:
Email to send the file:
(Please send by email or put a link to the sheet here.)

Much obliged for your help.

Thanks in advanced. God Bless You.

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takvol commented Jul 10, 2020

I think you misunderstand the purpose of this script. It's can be executed only by the owner of the spreadsheet if the owner wants to automate the copying process.

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drleff commented Sep 10, 2021

The code works to copy from a spreadsheet with a given set of permissions to a specific folder.

Can anyone suggest a way that the code can be modified to copy a specific google sheet (with its contained sheets and all the designated protections) to another (already existing) google sheet in the same drive?
Thank you!

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kflora2015 commented Aug 15, 2022

Does this script keep the editors the same as the original? Also, how can I adapt this to make multiple copies and save to one folder?

To give context, I need to take my original template (which has 4 admin on it that need editing access on all copies) and create a copy of it for 24 teachers, then share each sheet with its corresponding teacher. The teacher should not have editing access to the protected ranges. Any ideas?

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Hello Takvol

I am new to this group.
I copied and used your code. All functions are working properly.
But app.script is running very slowly (6-7 minutes). How to solve this?
Sorry to trouble you.

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