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Last active October 9, 2015 00:31
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Save takwas/0f0b32ca9b7c46532bc5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This Python script finds all paths leading from one point (a SOURCE) to another (a DESTINATION).
# This code finds all the paths leading from a given
# point, [the SOURCE] to another point [the DESTINATION]
# The data is mapped in such a way that every point maps
# to every point that can "directly" be reached from it.
# Then there is a recursive traversal over each point
# until the destination is reached and all the paths have
# been tracked.
# mapping paths to directly reacheable paths
paths = { \
"a" : [ "b", "c", "d" ], \
"b" : [ "a", "e", "f" ], \
"c" : [ "a", "e", "f" ], \
"d" : [ "a", "g", "h" ], \
"e" : [ "b", "c", "f", "i" ], \
"f" : [ "b", "c", "e", "i" ], \
"g" : [ "d", "i", "j" ], \
"h" : [ "d", "j" ], \
"i" : [ "e", "f", "g", "j" ], \
"j" : [ "g", "h", "i" ] \
# recursive function that does the magic
# params:
# _from: point to start from
# to: point we are trying to get to
# vistited_paths: a listing of all the prreviously completed traversed paths
# travelled_path: a listing of the points along the current traversal
def find_path(_from, to, visited_paths, travelled_path):
travelled_path.append(_from) # "travelled_path" tracks the path currenly been traversed
print "\t===> G.F: [%s]\t{" %_from, # "G.F" --> Going from
routes = get_destinations(_from) # retrieve available destinations (directly reachable points) from current source
print "\b%r} <===" %(routes)
# in case destination is among directly reacheable points
if to in routes:
travelled_path.append(to) # Add destination to travelled path
if len(travelled_path) <= 1:
print "Destination [%s] reached directly from [%s]" %(to, _from)
print "Destination [%s] reached from [%s]" %(to, _from)
show_graph(travelled_path) #### DEBUG OUTPUT; show a map of travelled path
visited_paths.append(travelled_path[:]) # Add new travel path to list of previous travelled paths
travelled_path = [] # empty travel path list for a new journey
return visited_paths
# iterate over retrieved list of directly
# reachable points from current point
for route in routes:
if route == to: # Destination found! End here.
travelled_path.append(route) # Add destination to travelled path
print "Destination '%s' reached from '%s'" %(route, _from) #### DEBUG OUTPUT
visited_paths.append(travelled_path[:]) # Add new travel path to list of previous travelled paths
travelled_path.pop() # while recursing, we need to pop(), and move back up the tree to continue traversing
print "Going up^ a level" #### DEBUG OUTPUT
elif route in travelled_path: # route has been visited before in current travel path; so don't process it again
print " Skip: [%s]" %route #### DEBUG OUTPUT
# Recurse.
# Pick current point and make it act like the
# current source. We are still headed to the same
# original destination
find_path(route, to, visited_paths, travelled_path)
print "Out of route: [%s].\t Moving on..." %route #### DEBUG OUTPUT
return visited_paths
#### UTILITY Functions ####
# retrieve list of directly reachable points from source "_from"
def get_destinations(_from):
return paths.get(_from, [])
# shows a map of points leading to points in a traversal
def show_graph(nodes):
for node in nodes[:-1]:
print node, " --> ",
print nodes[-1]
# show all paths in our local database
def show_all_paths():
print "Showing all registered paths:"
locations = paths.keys()
for path in locations:
print "\t%s:\t%r" %(path, paths[path])
# "visited_paths" holds a listing of traversals
# Show a map for each traversal
def show_all_visited_paths(visited_paths):
print "Showing all visited paths:\n\t",
for path in visited_paths:
print "\n\t",
# run the program
def run(_from, to):
print "AIM: [%s] to [%s]" %(_from, to) #### DEBUG OUTPUT
visited_paths = find_path(_from, to, [], [])
# some extra processeing and DEBUG
visited_paths.sort(key= len)
return visited_paths
# Python main
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
if len(sys.argv) >=3:
_from = sys.argv[1]
to = sys.argv[2]
_from = "a"
to = "f"
run(_from, to)
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