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Created January 4, 2010 19:33
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#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id: api.example.flush.txt 21976 2009-11-10 17:43:53Z ivanhoven $
# This is an example of using Panther Web Services APIs to flush
# objects from cache. Usage of the script is as follows:
# 1. Rename this example file to and enable the execute bit.
# 2. Execute the script:
# % ./ --user "<username>" --pass "<password>" -s <site_id> -t "(all|paths)" \
# [--paths "<path>[\n<path>...]"] [--wildcard] [--use-ims]
# This flushes two specific paths:
# % ./ --user "" --pass secret -s 14 -t paths \
# --paths "/foo.jpg\n/bar.jpg"
# This flushes two wildcard paths:
# % ./ --user "" --pass secret -s 14 -t paths \
# --paths "/april/*\n/may*" --wildcard
# This flushes everything from one site:
# % ./ --user "" --pass secret -s 14 -t all
# --wildcard: forces this script to interpret the "?" and "*" characters
# as any single character and any group of characters, respectively.
# --use-ims: use If-Modified-Since when retrieving a replacement for a
# flushed object from the origin server, and keep the old object if the
# version on the origin server is not newer. Only valid with -t all or
# --wildcard.
# This script uses SOAP::Lite. Please compile and install expat first from
# since it is required by XML::Parser and XML::Expat, both of
# which SOAP::Lite uses. To install SOAP::Lite invoke "perl -MCPAN -e shell"
# and type "install SOAP::Lite" on the CPAN prompt.
use SOAP::Lite;
use Getopt::Long;
sub print_usage {
print "flush paths from a pad: $0 --user <username> --pass <password> -s <site_id> -t paths -p <newline-separated-paths> [--wildcard] [--use-ims]\n";
print "flush all from a pad: $0 --user <username> --pass <password> -s <site_id> -t all [--use-ims]\n";
sub main {
my $paths = '';
my $wildcard = 0;
my $use_ims = 0;
"username=s" => \$username,
"password=s" => \$password,
"site=s" => \$site,
"type=s" => \$type,
"paths:s" => \$paths,
"wildcard!" => \$wildcard,
"use-ims!" => \$use_ims
if ($username && $password && $site && $type) {
$response = SOAP::Lite
-> uri('urn:CacheServices')
-> proxy('')
-> flush(
SOAP::Data->name(username => $username),
SOAP::Data->type('string')->name(password => $password),
SOAP::Data->name(flushtype => $type),
SOAP::Data->name(siteId => $site),
SOAP::Data->name(paths => $paths),
SOAP::Data->name(wildcard => $wildcard)->type('boolean'),
SOAP::Data->name(use_ims => $use_ims)->type('boolean')
if ($response->fault) {
printf "A fault (%s) occurred: %s\n", $response->faultcode, $response->faultstring;
} else {
print($response->result . "\n");
} else {
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