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Last active July 23, 2019 05:53
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libra atomic swaps
// NOTE: this module is based on the logic of earmarked_libra.mvir
// A module for allocating a coin for atomic swap
module AtomicSwapCoin {
import 0x0.LibraCoin;
import 0x0.Hash;
// A wrapper containing a Libra coin and the address of the recipient the
// coin is allocated for.
resource T {
coin: R#LibraCoin.T,
recipient: address,
hash_result: bytearray
// Create a new atomic swap coin with the given recipient and a hash result.
// Publish the coin under the transaction sender's account address.
public create(coin: R#LibraCoin.T, recipient: address, hash_result: bytearray) {
let t: R#Self.T;
// Construct or "pack" a new resource of type T. Only procedures of the
// `AtomicSwapCoin` module can create an `AtomicSwapCoin.T`.
t = T {
coin: move(coin),
recipient: move(recipient),
hash_result: move(hash_result)
// Publish the atomic swap coin under the transaction sender's account
// address. Each account can contain at most one resource of a given type;
// this call will fail if the sender already has a resource of this type.
// Allow the tx sender to claim a coin if he is the intended recipient and knows the secret.
public claim_for_recipient(atomic_coin_address: address, secret: bytearray): R#Self.T {
let t: R#Self.T;
let t_ref: &R#Self.T;
let t_ref2: &R#Self.T;
let sender: address;
let hash_result: bytearray;
t = move_from<T>(move(atomic_coin_address));
t_ref = &t;
sender = get_txn_sender();
// Ensure that the transaction sender is the recipient.
assert(*(&move(t_ref).recipient) == move(sender), 99);
// Ensure the transaction sender also knows the pre image secret.
hash_result = Hash.keccak256(copy(secret));
t_ref2 = &t;
assert(*(&move(t_ref2).hash_result) == move(hash_result), 98);
return move(t);
// Allow the creator of the atomic swap coin to reclaim it.
public claim_for_creator(): R#Self.T {
let t: R#Self.T;
let coin: R#LibraCoin.T;
let recipient: address;
let sender: address;
sender = get_txn_sender();
// This will fail if no resource of type T under the sender's address.
t = move_from<T>(move(sender));
return move(t);
// Extract the Libra coin from its wrapper and return it to the caller.
public unwrap(t: R#Self.T): R#LibraCoin.T {
let coin: R#LibraCoin.T;
let recipient: address;
let hash_result: bytearray;
// This "unpacks" a resource type by destroying the outer resource, but
// returning its contents. Only the module that declares a resource type
// can unpack it.
T { coin, recipient, hash_result} = move(t);
return move(coin);
// TODO: lines below this are tests
//! new-transaction
import 0x0.LibraAccount;
import 0x0.LibraCoin;
import Transaction.AtomicSwapCoin;
main() {
let recipient_address: address;
let coin: R#LibraCoin.T;
let atomic_swap_coin: R#AtomicSwapCoin.T;
let sender: address;
let secret: bytearray;
let result: bytearray;
sender = get_txn_sender();
secret = b"abcd";
result = b"dbe576b4818846aa77e82f4ed5fa78f92766b141f282d36703886d196df39322";
recipient_address = 0xb0b;
coin = LibraAccount.withdraw_from_sender(1000);
// option 1: recipient is different than sender.
// can only claim_for_creator() in testing enviorment.
AtomicSwapCoin.create(move(coin), move(recipient_address), copy(result));
atomic_swap_coin = AtomicSwapCoin.claim_for_creator();
// option 2: sender is also the recipient.
// sender claims with claim_for_recipient()
//AtomicSwapCoin.create(move(coin), copy(sender), copy(result));
//atomic_swap_coin = AtomicSwapCoin.claim_for_recipient(copy(sender), copy(secret));
coin = AtomicSwapCoin.unwrap(move(atomic_swap_coin));
LibraAccount.deposit(move(sender), move(coin));
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