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Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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  • Save talbright/c62fdd1f2ca0bf376da4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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"body": "[~Cesar] this is probably a quick fix so might want to ask someone to look at it since it is Lyft. ",
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"body": "[~b.schuenemann] can we get this on an upcoming sprint? It is hard to troubleshoot a customer's webhook error when they enable the disabled webhook and it clears their system log of the errors. Seems like it would be a quick fix. ",
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"body": "[~b.schuenemann] [~Cesar] we really need to fix this ASAP. We can't help troubleshoot errors since when the customer re-enables their web hook the errors in the system log are cleared. ",
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"body": "[~b.schuenemann] [~ricky]\n\nThis is urgent for a large customer, is there any progress here or anything you need from WOW or the customer?\n\n[~jas][~arvind][~Cesar][~dstone]",
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"body": "[] this is not urgent for a large customer. Lyft was just the customer that reported this issue. We just need this fixed so when customers have custom action errors and ask us for help the errors are still in the error log. Customers always enable the web hook to try to get it working and then the errors are cleared. Also clears the entire log which is even worse. ",
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"body": "[~ricky] I got to the bottom of this. We can make a change to reset the error counts, but leave the errors in there.",
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"body": "[~hgo] pushed a fix if you can quickly retest that second scenario I'd appreciate it. Thanks!",
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"body": "[~karthik] could you add some unit tests to this? If it is easier to write an integration test let me know and i'll work on that. I just think that test would be a bit too long. ",
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"body": "We will continue to clear the system log for webhooks that get disabled. This is functionality we can't change at this time because the site_errors table is too large and problematic to manage. Changing behavior to keep these records around even longer will cause more issues in the long run.",
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