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Created May 15, 2012 17:40
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Calculate scattered intensity
import numpy as np
from numpy import pi, sin, cos, exp
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from multiprocessing import Pool
RAD2ARCSEC = 180. * 3600. / pi # convert to arcsec for better scale
class CalcScatter(object):
def __init__(self, alpha, x, y, scale, lam):
self.alpha = alpha
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.scale = scale
self.lam = lam
def __call__(self, theta):
fac = 2 * pi * 1j / self.lam
d_sin = fac * (sin(self.alpha) - sin(theta))
d_cos = fac * (cos(self.alpha) + cos(theta)) * self.scale
ampl = np.sum(exp(self.x * d_sin - self.y * d_cos),
ampl_sum = np.sum(abs(ampl) ** 2)
return ampl_sum
def calc_scatter(displ, dx=500, graze_angle=2.0, scale=np.sqrt(2), lam=1.24e-3,
thetas=None, n_theta=1000, theta_max=60, n_x=1000, n_proc=4):
lam = 1.24e-3 um <=> 1 keV
alpha = (90 - graze_angle) * pi / 180
theta_max /= RAD2ARCSEC
n_ax, n_az = displ.shape
x = np.arange(n_ax) * dx
x = x - x.mean()
if thetas is None:
thetas = np.linspace(alpha - theta_max, alpha + theta_max, n_theta)
thetas = thetas + alpha
I_scatter = []
interp = interp1d(x, displ, kind='cubic', axis=0)
x_int = np.linspace(x[0], x[-1], n_x)
y = interp(x_int)
x = x_int.reshape(-1, 1)
calc_func = CalcScatter(alpha, x, y, scale, lam)
pool = Pool(processes=n_proc)
I_scatter =, list(thetas))
return (thetas - thetas.mean()) * RAD2ARCSEC, np.array(I_scatter)
import time
import numpy as np
import calc_scatter as cs
RAD2ARCSEC = 180 * 3600 / np.pi # convert to arcsec for better scale
if 'case' not in globals():
case = 'uncorr'
if 'displ' not in globals():
displ = np.loadtxt('{}.dat'.format(case))
if 'scatter_ref' not in globals():
scatter_ref = np.loadtxt('scatter_{}.dat'.format(case))[:, 1]
theta_ref = np.linspace(-THETA_MAX, THETA_MAX, 10001)
dx = 200. / 205 * 1000 # spacing in um (200 mm high over 205 points)
t0 = time.time()
theta, scatter = cs.calc_scatter(displ, dx=dx, graze_angle=1.428,
thetas=theta_ref / RAD2ARCSEC,
# n_theta=1000,
# theta_max=40,
print 'Run time: {:.3f}'.format(time.time() - t0)
scatter = scatter_ref.max() * scatter / scatter.max()
plot(theta_ref, scatter_ref)
plot(theta, scatter)
title('Scatter intensity ({}ected)'.format(case))
xlabel('Scatter angle (arcsec)')
i_mid = len(theta) // 2
i1 = 2 * i_mid - 1
angle = theta[i_mid:i1]
sym_scatter = scatter[i_mid:i1] + scatter[i_mid - 1:0:-1]
sym_scatter /= sym_scatter.sum()
ee = np.cumsum(sym_scatter)
i_hpr = np.searchsorted(ee, 0.5)
angle_hpd = angle[i_hpr] * 2
print 'angle_hpd', angle_hpd
i99 = np.searchsorted(ee, 0.99)
angle_rmsd = 2 * np.sqrt(np.sum(angle[:i99] ** 2 * sym_scatter[:i99])
/ np.sum(sym_scatter[:i99]))
print 'angle_rmsd', angle_rmsd
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