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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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  • Save taldehyde/75e60495d6f57286b056 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save taldehyde/75e60495d6f57286b056 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
on open openedFiles
set validExtensions to {"exe"}
set winExe to item 1 of openedFiles
if name extension of (info for winExe) is not in validExtensions then
display dialog "invalid file"
set toRun to the POSIX path of winExe as text
end if
--edit winePrefix if you are not using the default prefix
set winePrefix to "$HOME/.wine"
--edit wineLocation if your wine install is not the default location
set wineLocation to "/usr/local/bin"
--edit dyldFallbackLibraryPath to your X11 lib folder, this one is set for XQuartz on 10.6+
set dyldFallbackLibraryPath to "/opt/X11/lib"
set toRunPath to do shell script "WINEPREFIX=\"" & winePrefix & "\"; TEMPVAR=\"" & toRun & "\"; echo \"${TEMPVAR%/*}\""
set toRunFile to do shell script "WINEPREFIX=\"" & winePrefix & "\"; TEMPVAR=\"" & toRun & "\"; TEMPVAR2=\"" & toRunPath & "\"; echo \"${TEMPVAR#$TEMPVAR2/}\""
do shell script "PATH=\"" & wineLocation & ":$PATH\"; export WINEPREFIX=\"" & winePrefix & "\"; export DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH=\"" & dyldFallbackLibraryPath & "\"; cd \"" & toRunPath & "\"; wine \"" & toRunFile & "\" > /dev/null 2>&1 &"
end open
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