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Last active April 18, 2017 12:19
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case-insensitive `require` function replacement with similar package names suggestions
#' @title require2
#' @author Srikanth KS (talegari), gmail at sri dot teach GNU AGPLv3
#' (
#' @param pkgname a string (character vector of length 1)
#' @param similar an positive integer indicating the number of similar package
#' names to be suggested, if the match is not found
#' @description The function attaches and loads a R library, if present and
#' return an invisible TRUE. If the package is not present, it searches for
#' the package name among the installed packages being case insentitive. If
#' found, it attaches and loads it. Else, it looks for similar package names
#' among the packages available on CRAN and suggests them.
require2 <- function(pkgname, similar = 5){
stopifnot(is.character(pkgname) && length(pkgname) == 1)
stopifnot(similar > 0 && as.integer(similar) == similar)
existing <- rownames(installed.packages())
stopifnot("tidyverse" %in% existing)
stopifnot("stringdist" %in% existing)
stopifnot("knitr" %in% existing)
pkg_name <- gsub("\"", "" , deparse(substitute(pkgname)))
# libraryQ function to load a function quietly
libraryQ <- function(pkgName){
stopifnot(is.character(pkgName) && length(pkgName) == 1)
val <- suppressMessages(
require(pkgName, character.only = TRUE)))
if(!(pkg_name %in% existing)){
existing_match <- which(tolower(pkg_name) == tolower(existing))
if(length(existing_match) == 1){
message("Attached package: ", existing[existing_match])
} else {
available <- rownames(available.packages())
available_match <- which(tolower(pkg_name) == tolower(available))
if(length(available_match) == 1){
message("Did not attach anything, but found an yet to be installed package: "
, available[[available_match]]
} else {
pkg_status <-
dist_df <- tibble::tibble(package = available
, distance = stringdist::stringdist(pkg_name
, available
, installed = available %in% existing
message("No matching packages were found. Nearest matches are:")
print(dplyr::top_n(dist_df, n = similar, wt = -distance) %>%
dplyr::arrange(distance) %>%
} else { # exact match
message("Attached package: ", pkg_name)
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