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Created October 28, 2020 12:04
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playing with zizgpu slurm
sbatch --gres=gpu:1 --partition=ziz-gpu-small
#SBATCH -A bigbayes # Account to be used, e.g. academic, acadrel, aims, bigbayes, opig, oxcsml, oxwasp, rstudent, statgen, statml, visitors
#SBATCH -J job01 # Job name, can be useful but optional
#SBATCH --time=00:00:30 # Walltime - run time of just 30 seconds
#SBATCH # set email address to use, change to your own email address instead of "me"
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL # Caution: fine for debug, but not if handling hundreds of jobs!
#SBATCH --output="/data/ziz/agolinsk/slurm_stdout" # To avoid slurm job failing if it can not write to a file in the current directory, specify an output file for standard output
#SBATCH --error="/data/ziz/agolinsk/slurm_stderr" # Same for standard error
echo Starting on `hostname`
source /data/localhost/not-backed-up/agolinsk/utils/miniconda3/bin/activate amci
python /data/ziz/agolinsk/
nvidia-smi > /data/ziz/agolinsk/slurm_output.txt
echo Finishing
# in /data/ziz/agolinsk
import torch
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