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Created July 26, 2019 10:56
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private void token2token(String tokenSymbolFrom, String tokenSymbolTo, String tokenQuantity) {
//Suppose we want to convert 100 BAT to DAI tokens, which is a token to token conversion.
// Note that ETH is used as the base pair i.e. BAT -> ETH -> DAI.
Kyber3j kyber3j = KyberService(KyberService.KYBER_ROPSTEN));"Connected to Kyber Network: "+KyberService.KYBER_ROPSTEN);
try {
Currencies currencies = kyber3j.currencies().send();
if (!checkForError(currencies) && currencies.existsCurreny(tokenSymbolFrom)
&& currencies.existsCurreny(tokenSymbolTo) ) {
EnabledTokensForWallet tokens = kyber3j.enabledTokensForWallet(credentials.getAddress()).send();
if (!checkForError(tokens)) {
// Check if wallet is enabled for tokens
String tokenId = currencies.getCurrency(tokenSymbolFrom).getId();
EnabledTokensForWallet.EnabledTokenStatus tokenStatus = tokens.getEnabledTokenStatus(tokenId);
if ( tokenStatus.isEnabled()) {
// Check if the sell token is already enabled to be sold by the network on behalf of this user
if (tokenStatus.getTxs_required() == 1) {
EnableTokenTransfer tokenData = kyber3j.enableTokenTransfer(credentials.getAddress(), tokenId,
} else if (tokenStatus.getTxs_required() == 2) {
// TODO Implement validation
log.error("Not implemented for getTxs_required = 2");
} else {
log.error("Curreny not supported");
// Get Sell Rate in ETH: <fromTokenQuantity> -> ETH ?
SellRate sellRate = kyber3j.sellRate(currencies.getCurrency(tokenSymbolFrom).getId(), tokenQuantity,
if (!checkForError(sellRate)) {
Rates rates = sellRate.getData().get(0);
SingleRate singleRateFromToken = rates.getSingleRate(0);
Float sellQty = singleRateFromToken.getDst_qty();" Sell Rate: " + singleRateFromToken.getSrc_qty());
// Get Buy Rate for 1 toToken: ETH ? -> 1 <toToken>
BuyRate buyRate = kyber3j.buyRate(currencies.getCurrency(tokenSymbolTo).getId(),"1",
if (!checkForError(buyRate)) {
rates = buyRate.getData().get(0);
SingleRate singleRateToToken = rates.getSingleRate(0);
Float buyQty = singleRateToToken.getSrc_qty();
Float expectedAmountWithoutSlippage = sellQty / buyQty; // * Float.valueOf(tokenQuantity);
Float expectedAmountWithSlippage = expectedAmountWithoutSlippage * 0.97f;
TradeData tradeData = kyber3j.tradeData(credentials.getAddress(), singleRateFromToken, GasPriceRange.medium, nonce).send();
if (!checkForError(tradeData)) {
} catch (Exception e){e.printStackTrace();}
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