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Last active July 7, 2021 07:35
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package net.cloudburo.avro.registry;
import org.apache.avro.Schema;
import net.cloudburo.elasticsearch.ESPersistencyManager;
public class ElasticSearchSchemaRegistry extends SchemaRegistry {
private static final String esIndex = "avroschema";
ESPersistencyManager esManager;
public void setESPersistencyManager(ESPersistencyManager esManager) {
this.esManager = esManager;
public long registerSchema(Schema schema) throws IOException {
long fingerprint = getSchemaFingerprint(schema);
String avroJSONSchema = schema.toString(true);
String doc = "{";
doc+= "\"namespace\":"+"\""+schema.getNamespace()+"."+schema.getName()+"\",";
doc+= "\"avroschema\":"+avroJSONSchema;
doc+= "}";
return fingerprint;
public Schema getSchema(long fingerprint) throws IOException {
JsonObject jsonDoc = esManager.readDocumentByIdAsObject(esIndex, Long.valueOf(fingerprint).toString());
String json = jsonDoc.get("_source").getAsJsonObject().get("avroschema").toString();
Schema schema = new Schema.Parser().parse(json);
return schema;
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elghali commented Jul 7, 2021

Hello, is this the only way to get the Schema JSON from the fingerprint long? I had the impression that the fingerprint is the encoded value of a schema JSON, and to get back the JSON me must decode it somehow. could you shed some light please

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