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Created December 21, 2015 19:06
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1. Go to
Change ‘drive’ from ‘smtp’ to ‘mail’
'driver' => 'mail',
Next, make ‘host’ name from ‘’ to nothing, so make it blank.
'host' => '',
2 Create Route
Go to your ‘routes.php’ and add
//Contact Page
Route::get('contact', 'ContactController@getContact');
//Form request:: POST action will trigger to controller
3 Create Controller to server Route request
Create new file inside ‘app/controller’: ContactController.php
class ContactController extends BaseController {
//Server Contact view:: we will create view in next step
public function getContact(){
return View::make('contact');
//Contact Form
public function getContactUsForm(){
//Get all the data and store it inside Store Variable
$data = Input::all();
//Validation rules
$rules = array (
'first_name' => 'required|alpha',
'last_name' => 'required|alpha',
'email' => 'required|email',
'message' => 'required|min:25'
//Validate data
$validator = Validator::make ($data, $rules);
//If everything is correct than run passes.
if ($validator -> passes()){
//Send email using Laravel send function
Mail::send('emails.hello', $data, function($message) use ($data)
//email 'From' field: Get users email add and name
$message->from($data['email'] , $data['first_name']);
//email 'To' field: cahnge this to emails that you want to be notified.
$message->to('', 'my name')->cc('')->subject('contact request');
return View::make('contact');
//return contact form with errors
return Redirect::to('/contact')->withErrors($validator);
4 Create a View inside ‘view/contact.blade.php’
{{ Form:: open(array('url' => 'contact_request')) }}
') as $message) {{ $message }} @endforeach
{{ Form:: label ('first_name', 'First Name*' )}}
{{ Form:: text ('first_name', '' )}}
{{ Form:: label ('last_name', 'Last Name*' )}}
{{ Form:: text ('last_name', '' )}}
{{ Form:: label ('phone_number', 'Phone Number' )}}
{{ Form:: text ('phone_number', '', array('placeholder' => '0280021xx')) }}
{{ Form:: label ('email', 'E-mail Address*') }}
{{ Form:: email ('email', '', array('placeholder' => '')) }}
{{ Form:: label ('subject', 'Subject') }}
{{ Form:: select ('subject', array(
'1' => '1',
'2' => '2',
'3' => '3',
'4' => '4'), '1' ) }}
{{ Form:: label ('message', 'Message*' )}}
{{ Form:: textarea ('message', '')}}
{{ Form::reset('Clear', array('class' => 'you css class for button')) }}
{{ Form::submit('Send', array('class' => 'you css class for button')) }}
{{ Form:: close() }}
5. Finally, we will create template to go with you email message
Go to ‘view/emails/’ and create new file ‘hello.blade.php’
<?!--This is a blade template that goes in email message to site administrator-->
//get the first name
$first_name = Input::get('first_name');
$last_name = Input::get ('last_name');
$phone_number = Input::get('phone_number');
$email = Input::get ('email');
$subject = Input::get ('subject');
$message = Input::get ('message');
$date_time = date("F j, Y, g:i a");
$userIpAddress = Request::getClientIp();
<h1>We been contacted by.... </h1>
First name: <?php echo ($first_name); ?>
Last name: <?php echo($last_name);?>
Phone number: <?php echo($phone_number);?>
Email address: <?php echo ($email);?>
Subject: <?php echo ($subject); ?>
Message: <?php echo ($message);?>
Date: <?php echo($date_time);?>
User IP address: <?php echo($userIpAddress);?>
12-22-2015(1.05 AM) TuesDay
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johnef commented Aug 28, 2016

did this code worked for you??
I try and try to get it to work but no luck
you can view the this link for more

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