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Created May 25, 2024 13:00
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Save talhaahussain/6a8a7671686431602ce9b340f36e776f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. -- A simple, flexible maze generation algorithm implemented in Python. See the original and an application here:
import random # Since the generation of this maze is random, I need the random module.
def generate_maze(x_cells, y_cells):
#x_cells = 20 # This defines the number of cells in the x-direction.
#y_cells = 20 # This defines the number of cells in the y-direction.
grid = [] # This allows me to build the grid from which the maze is generated.
for y in range(y_cells):
row = [] # Creates a 'row' list for all y locations (10 rows)
for x in range(x_cells):
row.append('?') # Sets all cells to UNDETERMINED
grid.append(row) # Fills the grid with these rows
exposed = [] # This is a list of EXPOSED UNDETERMINED LOCATIONS (+)
def carve(y, x): # This function makes the cell a space.
if (0 > (x or y)) or ((x > x_cells) or (y > y_cells)) or (type(x) != int or type(y) != int):
return # This is for validation - 'if invalid data has been entered, ignore.'
grid[y][x] = ' ' # This takes the two parameters and updates location.
adjacent = [] # This stores any adjacent cells.
if x > 0: # This checks if there is a cell behind the current cell (x direction).
if grid[y][x-1] == '?': # If there is, and this adjacent cell is undetermined...
grid[y][x-1] = '+' # ...Mark it as EXPOSED.
adjacent.append((y,x-1)) # Add this cell to the 'adjacent'
if x < x_cells - 1: # This checks if there is a cell in front of the current cell (x direction).
if grid[y][x+1] == '?': # If there is, and this adjacent cell is undetermined...
grid[y][x+1] = '+' # ...Mark it as EXPOSED.
adjacent.append((y,x+1)) # Add this cell to the 'adjacent' list.
if y > 0: # This checks if there is a cell behind the current cell (y direction).
if grid[y-1][x] == '?': # If there is, and this adjacent cell is undetermined...
grid[y-1][x] = '+' # ...Mark it as EXPOSED.
adjacent.append((y-1,x)) # Add this cell to the 'adjacent' list.
if y < y_cells - 1: # This checks if there is a cell in front of the current cell (y direction).
if grid[y+1][x] == '?': # If there is, and this adjacent cell is undetermined...
grid[y+1][x] = '+' # ...Mark it as EXPOSED.
adjacent.append((y+1,x)) # Add this cell to the 'adjacent' list.
random.shuffle(adjacent) # Shuffles the list of adjacent cells.
exposed.extend(adjacent) # Adds the list of adjacent cells to the 'exposed' list.
def wall(y, x): # This function make the cell a wall.
if (0 > (x or y)) or ((x > x_cells) or (y > y_cells)) or (type(x) != int or type(y) != int):
return # This is for validation - 'if invalid data has been entered, ignore.'
grid[y][x] = '|' # This takes the two parameters and updates location.
def check(y, x, nodiagonals = True): # Takes the 'nodiagonals' parameter...
# ...this parameter determines if a cell has NO diagonals (when True).
edgestate = 0 # This is a way of determining the behaviour of the edges around a point.
if x > 0: # If the cell has cells to the left...
if grid[y][x-1] == ' ': # ...if the cell directly to the left is a space...
edgestate += 1 # Increase edgestate by 1.
if x < x_cells-1: # If the cell has cells to the right...
if grid[y][x+1] == ' ': # ...if the cell directly to the right is a space...
edgestate += 2 # Increase edgestate by 2.
if y > 0: # If the cell has cells above...
if grid[y-1][x] == ' ': # ...if the cell directly above is a space...
edgestate += 4 # Increase edgestate by 4.
if y < y_cells-1: # If the cell has cells below...
if grid[y+1][x] == ' ': # ...if the cell directly below is a space...
edgestate += 8 # Increase edgestate by 8.
if nodiagonals: # If 'nodiagonals' is True...
if edgestate == 1: # ...if 'edgestate' is 1...
if x < x_cells-1: # ...if there are cells to the right...
if y > 0: # ...if there are cells above...
if grid[y-1][x+1] == ' ': # ...if the cell directly top-right is a space...
return False # Return False.
if y < y_cells-1: # ...if there are cells below...
if grid[y+1][x+1] == ' ': # ...if the cell directly bottom-right is a space...
return False # Return False.
return True # Return True.
elif edgestate == 2: # ...else, if 'edgestate' is 2...
if x > 0: # ...if there are cells to the left...
if y > 0: # ...if there are cells above...
if grid[y-1][x-1] == ' ': # ...if the cell directly top-left is a space...
return False # Return False.
if y < y_cells-1: # ...if there are cells below...
if grid[y+1][x-1] == ' ': # ...if the cell directly bottom-left is a space...
return False # Return False.
return True # Return True.
elif edgestate == 4: # ...else, if 'edgestate' is 4...
if y < y_cells-1: # ...if there are cells below...
if x > 0: # ...if there are cells to the left...
if grid[y+1][x-1] == ' ': # ...if the cell directly bottom-left is a space...
return False # Return False.
if x < x_cells-1: # ...if there are cells to the right...
if grid[y+1][x+1] == ' ': # ...if the cell directly bottom-right is a space...
return False # Return False.
return True # Return True.
elif edgestate == 8: # ...if 'edgestate' is 8...
if y > 0: # ...if there are cells above...
if x > 0: # ...if there are cells to the left...
if grid[y-1][x-1] == ' ': # ...if the cell directly top-left is a space...
return False # Return False.
if x < x_cells-1: # ...if there are cells to the right...
if grid[y-1][x+1] == ' ': # ...if the cell directly top-right is a space...
return False # Return False.
return True # Return True.
return False # Return False.
else: # ...if not... (hence 'nodiagonals' is False)
if [1, 2, 4, 8].count(edgestate): # ...count the number if times that 'edgestate' appears in that array.
# If it does appear in the array...
return True # Return True.
return False # Return
x_random = random.randint(0, x_cells-1) # Choose a random point in the x-axis, on the grid.
y_random = random.randint(0, y_cells-1) # Choose a random point in the y-axis, on the grid.
carve(x_random, y_random) # Use these random points and carve.
def create():
while(len(exposed)): # While there are exposed cells...
pos = random.random() # Select a random number.
choice = exposed[int(pos*len(exposed))] # This randomly selects an exposed cell from the list.
if check(*choice): # If the selected cell should become a space...
carve(*choice) # ...make this cell a space.
else: # If not...
wall(*choice) # ...make this cell a wall.
exposed.remove(choice) # Remove this cell from the 'exposed' list.
# The following changes any unexposed, unidentified cells to be walls.
for y in range(y_cells):
for x in range(x_cells):
if grid[y][x] == '?':
grid[y][x] = '|'
# The following prints the entire maze.
maze_data = []
for y in range(y_cells):
row = ' '
for x in range(x_cells):
row += grid[y][x]
return maze_data
maze_data = create()
return maze_data
print(generate_maze(10, 10))
'|' indicates a WALL
' ' indicates a SPACE
The 'check' function determines if a cell should be a space or a wall.
If it returns True, it should become a space.
If it returns False, it should become a wall.
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