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Created May 10, 2010 23:54
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  • Save talison/396711 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save talison/396711 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
tell application "Aperture"
# Once the folder hierarchy is created, the photos must be
# moved into a project. This is the default name of the project.
set curSel to (get selection)
# Force the user to pick a selection. The parent of the selection is the container
# we'll grab all the images from to organize into the folder hierarchy.
if curSel is {} then
error "Please select a project to organize"
set currentProject to (get parent of item 1 of curSel)
# The year folders will be created at the root, which is
# defined as the parent of the current project.
set rootContainer to (get parent of currentProject)
tell currentProject
set max to (count every image version)
# Process each image until the queue is exhausted.
set current to 1
repeat until current is greater than max
tell first image version
set targetFolder to {}
# Grab dates
set theDate to (get value of EXIF tag "ImageDate")
set theMonth to (get value of EXIF tag "CaptureMonthOfYear" as integer)
# Pad the string if it's less than 10
if (length of (theMonth as string) is 1) then
set theMonth to "0" & theMonth
end if
# Set folder names
set yearFolderName to (get year of theDate as string)
set monthFolderName to ((theMonth as string) & " " & (get month of theDate))
set yearFolder to {}
set monthFolder to {}
# Check to see if the year folder exists. Create it if not.
if not (exists folder yearFolderName in rootContainer) then
tell rootContainer
set yearFolder to make new folder with properties {name:yearFolderName}
end tell
set yearFolder to (get folder yearFolderName in rootContainer)
end if
# Check to see if the "month" folder exists within the current year folder.
# Create it if it needed.
if not (exists folder monthFolderName in yearFolder) then
tell yearFolder
set monthFolder to make new folder with properties {name:monthFolderName}
end tell
set monthFolder to (get folder monthFolderName in yearFolder)
end if
# Create a generic project called "Photos" in the month folder
if not (exists project "Photos" of monthFolder) then
tell monthFolder to make new project with properties {name:DEFAULT_PROJECT_NAME}
end if
move it to project DEFAULT_PROJECT_NAME of monthFolder
end tell
set current to current + 1
end repeat
end tell
end if
end tell
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