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Begins a new daily note for today in Bear. Adds a "Daily Notes" tag, events for today from Outlook 2016 for Mac calendar and a "Notes" header. Save this AppleScript to the Scripts folder for Bear at ~/Library/Scripts/Applications/Bear and call it using the system-wide AppleScript menu.
Written by:William Smith
Professional Services Engineer
Originally posted: March 10, 2017
Updated: January 24, 2021
Bear URL scheme no longer seemed to work without URL-encoding strings.
May be a Big Sur issue. Found AppleScript handler online and
adjusted script.
Purpose: Begins a new daily note for today in Bear. Adds a
"Daily Notes" tag, events for today from Outlook 2016
for Mac calendar and a "Notes" header.
Instructions: Add this script to Bear's AppleScript folder:
~/Library/Scripts/Applications/Bear/New Daily Note.scpt
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under
"One, today is worth two tomorrows," as Poor Richard says.
-- sourced from
on encodeCharacter(theCharacter)
set theASCIINumber to (the ASCII number theCharacter)
set theHexList to {"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"}
set theFirstItem to item ((theASCIINumber div 16) + 1) of theHexList
set theSecondItem to item ((theASCIINumber mod 16) + 1) of theHexList
return ("%" & theFirstItem & theSecondItem) as string
end encodeCharacter
on encodeText(theText, encodeCommonSpecialCharacters, encodeExtendedSpecialCharacters)
set theStandardCharacters to "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"
set theCommonSpecialCharacterList to "$+!'/?;&@=#%><{}\"~`^\\|*"
set theExtendedSpecialCharacterList to ".-_:"
set theAcceptableCharacters to theStandardCharacters
if encodeCommonSpecialCharacters is false then set theAcceptableCharacters to theAcceptableCharacters & theCommonSpecialCharacterList
if encodeExtendedSpecialCharacters is false then set theAcceptableCharacters to theAcceptableCharacters & theExtendedSpecialCharacterList
set theEncodedText to ""
repeat with theCurrentCharacter in theText
if theCurrentCharacter is in theAcceptableCharacters then
set theEncodedText to (theEncodedText & theCurrentCharacter)
set theEncodedText to (theEncodedText & encodeCharacter(theCurrentCharacter)) as string
end if
end repeat
return theEncodedText
end encodeText
-- today's date is the title for today's Daily Note
set todaysDate to do shell script "date +\"%B %-d, %Y\"" -- e.g. "February 25, 2018"
set todaysDate to encodeText(todaysDate, false, false)
-- set tag for new note to "Daily Notes"
-- set bearText to "#Daily Notes#" & return & return as string
set bearText to "#Daily Notes#
set bearText to encodeText(bearText, true, false)
-- create the full URL to send to Bear
set bearURL to "open \"bear://x-callback-url/create?title=" & todaysDate & "&text=" & bearText & "\""
-- open the URL, create the new note and bring note to front
do shell script bearURL
delay 1
-- add "Appointments and Meetings" header to today's daily note
set bearText to "## Appointments and Meetings
set bearText to encodeText(bearText, true, false)
do shell script "open \"bear://x-callback-url/add-text?title=" & todaysDate & "&text=" & bearText & "\""
-- define today's beginning and end times (midnight to 11:59 p.m.)
set startDay to date (date string of ((current date)) & "at 12:00:00 AM" as string)
set endDay to date (date string of ((current date)) & "at 11:59:59 PM" as string)
-- begin adding today's events to Bear Daily Notes
set eventCount to 0
tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
-- get list of today's non-recurring events
set todaysEvents to ¬
(every calendar event whose ¬
(start time is greater than or equal to startDay and end time is less than endDay) or ¬
(start time is less than or equal to startDay and end time is greater than endDay) or ¬
(start time is greater than or equal to startDay and start time is less than endDay and end time is greater than or equal to endDay) or ¬
(start time is greater than or equal to startDay and end time is greater than startDay and end time is less than or equal to endDay))
-- sort events by time
-- reference:
set theIndexList to {}
set todaysEventsSorted to {}
repeat (length of todaysEvents) times
set theLowItem to ""
repeat with a from 1 to (length of todaysEvents)
if a is not in theIndexList then
set theCurrentItem to item a of todaysEvents
if theLowItem is "" then
set theLowItem to theCurrentItem
set theLowItemIndex to a
else if start time of theCurrentItem comes before start time of theLowItem then
set theLowItem to theCurrentItem
set theLowItemIndex to a
end if
end if
end repeat
set end of todaysEventsSorted to theLowItem
set end of theIndexList to theLowItemIndex
end repeat
-- add each calendar event to Bear Daily Notes
repeat with anEvent in todaysEventsSorted
set eventSubject to subject of anEvent
if eventSubject contains "\"" then
set theCommand to "echo '" & eventSubject & "' | sed \"s/\\\"/'/g\""
set eventSubject to do shell script theCommand
end if
if eventSubject contains "&" then
set theCommand to "echo '" & eventSubject & "' | sed \"s/&/and/g\""
set eventSubject to do shell script theCommand
end if
set startEvent to start time of anEvent
set startTime to (characters 1 through -7 of (time string of startEvent) as string) & " " & (characters -2 through -1 of (time string of startEvent) as string)
set endEvent to end time of anEvent
set endTime to (characters 1 through -7 of (time string of endEvent) as string) & " " & (characters -2 through -1 of (time string of endEvent) as string)
if startTime = endTime then
set bearText to "- " & eventSubject & " (All Day)" as string
tell me to set bearText to encodeText(bearText, true, false)
set bearText to "- " & eventSubject & " (" & startTime & " to " & endTime & ")" as string
tell me to set bearText to encodeText(bearText, true, false)
end if
do shell script "open \"bear://x-callback-url/add-text?title=" & todaysDate & "&text=" & bearText & "\""
set eventCount to eventCount + 1
end repeat
end tell
-- make note if no calendar events occur today
if eventCount = 0 then
-- create the full URL to send to Bear
set bearText to "No appointments or meetings for today"
set bearText to encodeText(bearText, true, false)
-- open the URL, create the new note and bring note to front
do shell script "open \"bear://x-callback-url/add-text?title=" & todaysDate & "&text=" & bearText & "\""
end if
-- add space between sections
set bearText to return
set bearText to encodeText(bearText, true, false)
-- open the URL, create the new note and bring note to front
do shell script "open \"bear://x-callback-url/add-text?title=" & todaysDate & "&text=" & bearText & "\""
-- add "Notes" header to Bear Daily Notes and open in a new window
set bearText to "## Notes
set bearText to encodeText(bearText, true, false)
do shell script "open \"bear://x-callback-url/add-text?title=" & todaysDate & "&text=" & bearText & "&new_window=yes\""
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