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Last active October 25, 2022 23:10
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Save talkingmoose/b99a43948c4784631e9ad60eb714c776 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Downloads and installs the latest available Mozilla Firefox for Mac software directly on the client. This avoids having to manually download and store an up-to-date installer on a distribution server. Includes an optional checksum for added security.
Written by:William Smith
Professional Services Engineer
Originally posted: April 16, 2020
Last updated: January 17, 2021
Fixed unescaped quote causing "unexpected end of file" failure
Last updated: April 8, 2022
Fixed line 127 to correctly get the current version available
Thank you,!
Last updated: June 17, 2022
Improved method for getting latest versions of Firefox and ESR firefox
for better reliability
Purpose: Checks version of latest available version of Firefox online and
compares with locally installed version. Downloads and installs if
installed version is older or doesn't exist.
1. Set the optional sha256Checksum variable below for stronger
2. If using Jamf Pro, add the script to the Scripts area and set parameter
label 4 to "Checksum".
3. Add the script to a policy. Optionally, enter the checksum in the
Checksum parameter field.
4. Enable the policy for Login with a frequency of Once Per Week or other
periodic check.
5. Enable inventory update, scope and deploy.
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under
"Do not obey in advance."
# enter the SHA 256 checksum for the download file (DMG)
# download the package and run '/usr/bin/shasum -a 256 /path/to/file.dmg'
# this will change with each version
# leave blank to to skip the checksum verification (less secure) or if using a $4 script parameter with Jamf Pro
sha256Checksum="" # e.g. "67b1e8e036c575782b1c9188dd48fa94d9eabcb81947c8632fd4acac7b01644b"
if [ "$4" != "" ] && [ "$sha256Checksum" = "" ]
# FILE_LOCATIONS --------------------------------------------------------------
# path to this script
currentDirectory=$( /usr/bin/dirname "$0" )
# name of this script
currentScript=$( /usr/bin/basename -s .bash "$0" )
# create log file in same directory as script
# FUNCTIONS -------------------------------------------------------------------
function logcomment() {
/bin/date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S $1" >> "$log"
echo "$1"
function logresult() {
if [ $? = 0 ] ; then
/bin/date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S $1" >> "$log"
/bin/date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S $2" >> "$log"
# BEGIN SCRIPT ----------------------------------------------------------------
# specify the app bundle name
# specify the app process name
# check whether application process is running
check=$( /usr/bin/pgrep "$processName")
if [ "$check" != "" ]; then
# get currently logged in user
currentUser=$( /usr/bin/stat -f "%Su" /dev/console )
echo "Current user is $currentUser"
# set dialog command
theCommand="display dialog \"Mozilla Firefox app is currently running. Quit Firefox and try again.\" buttons {\"Stop\"} default button {\"Stop\"} with icon file posix file \"/Applications/\""
# display alert to end user
/bin/launchctl asuser "$currentUser" sudo -iu "$currentUser" /usr/bin/osascript -e "$theCommand"
echo "$processName is running. Aborting script"
exit 0
# define download url
downloadURL="" # regular release
# downloadURL="" # ESR release
# online version check
# get the latest version of software available from website
webData=$( /usr/bin/curl --silent | /usr/bin/grep data-latest-firefox )
latestVersion="${trimmed%%\" *}"
# ESR online version check
# webData=$( /usr/bin/curl --silent | /usr/bin/grep data-esr-versions )
# trimmed="${webData#*data-esr-versions=\"}"
# latestVersion="${trimmed%%\" *}"
logcomment "Latest version of $appName: $latestVersion"
# define app name and name of DMG after downloading
dmgFile="Firefox $latestVersion.dmg"
# Get the version number of the currently-installed app, if any.
if [ -e "/Applications/$appName" ]; then
installedVersion=$( /usr/bin/defaults read "/Applications/$appName/Contents/Info.plist" CFBundleShortVersionString )
echo "Installed version of $appName: $installedVersion"
if [ ${latestVersion} = ${installedVersion} ]; then
logcomment "$appName is current. Exiting."
exit 0
logcomment "$appName is either not installed or not up to date."
# create temporary working directory
workDirectory=$( /usr/bin/basename "$0" )
tempDirectory=$( /usr/bin/mktemp -d "/private/tmp/$workDirectory.XXXXXX" )
echo "Creating working directory '$tempDirectory'"
# change directory to temporary working directory
echo "Changing directory to working directory '$tempDirectory'"
cd "$tempDirectory"
# downloading software
logcomment "Downloading $dmgFile..."
/usr/bin/curl "$downloadURL" \
--silent \
--location \
--output "$dmgFile"
logresult "Downloaded DMG." "Failed to download DMG."
# checksum the download
downloadChecksum=$( /usr/bin/shasum -a 256 "$tempDirectory/$dmgFile" | /usr/bin/awk '{ print $1 }' )
echo "Checksum for downloaded file: $downloadChecksum"
# install the download if checksum validates
if [ "$sha256Checksum" = "$downloadChecksum" ] || [ "$sha256Checksum" = "" ]; then
echo "Checksum verified. Installing software..."
# mounting DMG
logcomment "Mounting $dmgFile..."
appVolume=$( /usr/bin/hdiutil attach -nobrowse "$tempDirectory/$dmgFile" | /usr/bin/grep /Volumes | /usr/bin/sed -e 's/^.*\/Volumes\///g' )
logresult "Mounted $dmgFile." "Failed to mount $dmgFile."
# install software
logcomment "Installing software..."
/usr/bin/ditto -rsrc "/Volumes/$appVolume/$appName" "/Applications/$appName"
logresult "Installed software." "Failed to install software."
# unmount DMG
logcomment "Unmounting $dmgFile..."
/sbin/umount -f "/Volumes/$appVolume" # forcibly unmount
logresult "Unmounting $dmgFile." "Failed to unmount $dmgFile."
echo "Checksum failed. Recalculate the SHA 256 checksum and try again. Or download may not be valid."
exit 1
# delete DMG
logcomment "Deleting DMG..."
/bin/rm -R "$tempDirectory"
logresult "Deleted DMG." "Failed to delete DMG."
# END SCRIPT ----------------------------------------------------------------
exit 0
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Great script and thank you for taking the time to create and share it!

At the time of writing this, (1/24/22) due to a change on the referenced html file, line 127 needs to be changed to $10 instead of $8 for proper version checking. Otherwise, the resulting current version will be "US" which will cause the script to install every time.

One tweak that a colleague and I made was to first check the installed version, if the installed version differs from the current version, then check to see if the application is running. This way, if the application is already up-to-date, there is no dialogue prompt and the script exits. I believe this to be a much more desirable experience.

I'd share the changes but as this is my first post I'm not sure the proper way to do so / etiquette.

Thanks for the heads up on this! I hadn't seen your message. Tested your change and it does fix the script. I've updated the gist.

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@e28760, the script is updated with @Nebula0000's recommended change and works for me today in my testing.

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e28760 commented Apr 8, 2022

@talkingmoose Thank you so much

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