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Created May 12, 2014 13:38
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  • Save tallaln/60d52a772a5da2ed001c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save tallaln/60d52a772a5da2ed001c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
household_power_consumption <- read.csv("D:/Tallal/Dropbox/Thesis/Material for R/working directory/household_power_consumption.txt", sep=";")
hpc <- read.table(file = "household_power_consumption.txt", sep = ";", skip = 66637, nrows = 2880)
rm (household_power_consumption)
# installs the package reshape since all the vaiable had been reassigned names
#such as v1, v2, V3,etc
# rename interactively
#fix(hpc) # results are saved on close
# rename programmatically,
# you can re-enter all the variable names in order
# changing the ones you need to change.the limitation
# is that you need to enter all of them!
names(hpc) <- c("Date","Time","Global_active_power", "Global_reactive_power",
View (hpc)
# print plot number 1
attach (hpc)
par (mar = c(4,4,4,2))
hist (Global_active_power, col= "red",main= "Global active power",ylab="Frequency",xlab="Global Acive Power")
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