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Last active May 18, 2021 04:19
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  • Save talmo/ccda3f29cac5e2e8c1e6860d467bcdb5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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% Clean start!
clear all, clc
%% Parameters
% Path to input file
dataPath = '../data/examples/072212_163153.clip.h5';
% Dataset name
dset = '/box';
% Path to output file
savePath = 'C:\tmp\072212_163153.clip.mp4';
% Frames to convert at a time (lower this if your memory is limited)
chunkSize = 1000;
% Framerate for playback of the video file
fps = 25;
%% Initialize
% Get dataset info
info = h5info(dataPath, dset);
shape = info.Dataspace.Size;
numFrames = shape(end);
% Check if file already exists
if exist(savePath,'file') > 0
warning(['Overwriting existing video file: ' savePath])
% Open video for writing
writer = VideoWriter(savePath,'MPEG-4'); % use this for MP4s
% writer = VideoWriter(savePath,'Motion JPEG AVI'); % use this for AVIs
% Set compression quality (higher = bigger file, better quality)
writer.Quality = 100;
% Set playback speed in frames/second
writer.FrameRate = fps;
% Open file for writing;
%% Save
framesWritten = 0;
done = false;
t0 = tic;
while ~done
% Check how many frames to read
chunkFrames = min(chunkSize, numFrames - framesWritten);
% Read chunk
chunk = h5read(dataPath,dset,[1 1 1 framesWritten+1], [inf inf inf chunkFrames]);
% Check for datatype/range concordance (floats must be in [0,1])
if isfloat(chunk) && max(chunk(:)) > 1
chunk = chunk / 255;
% Write frames
% Increment frames written counter
framesWritten = framesWritten + size(chunk,4);
% Check if we're done
done = framesWritten >= numFrames;
elapsed = toc(t0);
fprintf('Finished writing %d frames in %.2f mins:\n\t%s\n', framesWritten, elapsed/60, savePath)
% Close file
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