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Created January 14, 2019 10:54
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A crappy environemtn for RL on a portfolio of stocks
import numpy as np
from collections import defaultdict
from env.priceGenerator import make_stock
costPerShare = 0 # 0.01
class Env:
A simple environemnt for our agent,
the action our agent gives is weighting over the stocks + cash
the env calcutes that into stock and figures out the returns
def __init__(self,price_fn,num_stocks=2,length=2,starting_value=1000,lookback=10):
:param price_fn: A function that returns a numpy array of prices
:param num_stocks: How many stocks in our univerese
:param length: The length of an episode
self.num_stocks = num_stocks
self.lookback = lookback
self.length = length
self.oprices= price_fn(num_stocks=num_stocks,length=length)
self.prices = np.concatenate([self.oprices,np.ones([length+1,1])],axis=1) #attach the value of cash
self.portfolio = np.zeros([num_stocks+1]) #2k and 2k+1 are te long and short of a stock. portfolio[-1] is cash
self.portfolio[-1] = 1
self.time =0
self.__account_value = starting_value
self.__shares=np.array([0]*num_stocks +[starting_value])
self.hist = defaultdict(list)
def shares(self):
return self.__shares
def account_value(self):
return self.__account_value
def shares(self,new_shares):
self.__shares = new_shares
def account_value(self,new_act_val):
self.__account_value = new_act_val
act_returns = self.account_value / self.hist['act_val'][-1]
act_returns =1
def step(self,new_portfolio):
Get the next prices. Then transition the value of the account into the desired portfolio
:param new_portfolio:
self.time +=1
reward = np.log(self.hist['act_returns'][-1]) #already includes transaction costs
state = {
"prices":self.prices[self.time-self.lookback+1:self.time+1,:-1], # All prices upto now inclusive but no cash
done = self.time >=len(self.prices)-2
return state,reward,done
def update_acount_value(self,new_portfolio):
currentShareValues = self.shares * self.prices[self.time]
currentAccountValue = sum(currentShareValues)
currentPortfolioProportions = currentShareValues / currentAccountValue
desiredCashChange = (new_portfolio -currentPortfolioProportions )* currentAccountValue
desiredChangeInShares = np.floor(desiredCashChange / self.prices[self.time])
self.shares = self.shares + desiredChangeInShares
newAccountValue = np.sum(self.shares*self.prices[self.time])
#becuse we take the floor, sometimes we lose cash for no reason. This is a fix
missingCash = currentAccountValue - newAccountValue
transactionCost = sum(np.abs(desiredChangeInShares[:-1])*costPerShare)
self.shares[-1] += missingCash - transactionCost
transactionCost = sum(np.abs(desiredChangeInShares[:-1])*costPerShare)
self.account_value =np.sum(self.shares*self.prices[self.time])
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