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Created April 27, 2018 11:51
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Jenkinsfile for parallel Docker images (Python)
def docker_images = ["python:3.5.5", "python:3.6.4", "python:3.6.5"]
def get_stages(docker_image) {
stages = {
docker.image(docker_image).inside {
// If I use this variable as the Virtual Env Folder,
// I get "permission denied" messages from pip, since it tries
// to install into /usr/local/... instead of the pyenv folder!
// def PYTHON_VENV = docker_image.replaceAll('[:.]', '') + 'venv'
// This is the name of the folder where the Virtual Env is created
// However, this is shared between docker images and is not isolated!
def PYTHON_VENV = 'venv'
stage("${docker_image}") {
echo "Running in ${docker_image}"
stage("Prepare") {
sh "rm -rf ${PYTHON_VENV}"
sh "python -m venv ${PYTHON_VENV}"
sh """
. ${PYTHON_VENV}/bin/activate
pip install -U pip setuptools wheel
stage("Build") {
sh """
. ${PYTHON_VENV}/bin/activate
stage("Install Dependencies") {
sh """
. ${PYTHON_VENV}/bin/activate
make dependencies
stage('Test') {
sh """
. ${PYTHON_VENV}/bin/activate
make clean
make test
junit 'junit.xml'
stage("Install") {
sh """
. ${PYTHON_VENV}/bin/activate
make install
stage('Docs') {
sh """
. ${PYTHON_VENV}/bin/activate
make doc-dependencies
cd docs
export MPLBACKEND="agg"
make html
return stages
node('master') {
checkout scm
def stages = [:]
for (int i = 0; i < docker_images.size(); i++) {
def docker_image = docker_images[i]
stages[docker_image] = get_stages(docker_image)
parallel stages
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