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Created February 18, 2016 06:58
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Multiplication test with DeepLearnToolbox
% clear workspace and add DeepLearnToolbox to search path
clear all;
train_X = randn(10000,2);
train_y = prod(train_X,2);
val_X = randn(1000,2);
val_y = prod(val_X,2);
nn = nnsetup([2 1000 1]);
nn.learningRate = 0.001;
nn.scaling_learningRate = 0.99;
nn.momentum = 0.9;
nn.output = 'linear';
opts.numepochs = 100;
opts.batchsize = 100;
opts.plot = 1;
nn = nntrain(nn, train_X, train_y, opts, val_X, val_y);
pred_y = nnpredict(nn, val_X);
disp(horzcat(val_y, pred_y))
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