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use predicates::reflection::{Child, PredicateReflection};
use predicates::Predicate;
/// Converts tuples of predicates into predicates that accept tuples.
/// See [`TuplePredicate`] below.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use predicates::{Predicate, ord::eq};
/// let p = collect_tuple((eq(5), eq(10)));
/// assert!(p.eval(&(5, 10)));
/// ```
pub fn collect_tuple<T>(tuple: impl TuplePredicate<T>) -> impl Predicate<T> {
/// This trait allows converting tuples of predicates into predicates that
/// accept tuples. That is, if `T = (T1, T2, ...)`, this trait can convert
/// a tuple of predicates `(Predicate<T1>, Predicate<T2>, ...)`
/// into a `Predicate<(T1, T2, ...)>`.
pub trait TuplePredicate<T> {
/// Concrete implementation of a tuple predicate, depends on tuple length.
type P: Predicate<T>;
/// Given that `self` is a tuple of predicates `ps = (p1, p2, ...)`,
/// returns a predicate that accepts a tuple `ts = (t1, t2, ...)`
/// and applies predicates element-wise: `ps.0(ts.0) && ps.1(ts.1) && ...`.
fn into_predicate(self) -> Self::P;
pub mod detail {
use super::*;
macro_rules! impl_tuple_predicate {
($name: ident, $count: expr, $( $t: ident : $p: ident : $n: tt, )*) => {
pub struct $name<$($t, $p: Predicate<$t>, )*>(($($p, )*), std::marker::PhantomData<($($t, )*)>);
impl<$($t, $p: Predicate<$t>, )*> std::fmt::Display for $name<$($t, $p, )*> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "element-wise tuple predicate")
impl<$($t, $p: Predicate<$t>, )*> PredicateReflection for $name<$($t, $p, )*> {
fn children(&self) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item=Child<'_>> + '_> {
let params = vec![$(predicates::reflection::Child::new(stringify!($n), &self.0.$n), )*];
impl<$($t, $p: Predicate<$t>, )*> Predicate<($($t, )*)> for $name<$($t, $p, )*> {
fn eval(&self, variable: &($($t, )*)) -> bool {
$(self.0.$n.eval(&variable.$n) && )* true
impl<$($t, $p: Predicate<$t>, )*> TuplePredicate<($($t, )*)> for ($($p, )*) {
type P = $name<$($t, $p, )*>;
fn into_predicate(self) -> Self::P {
$name(self, std::marker::PhantomData)
impl_tuple_predicate!(TuplePredicate0, 0,);
impl_tuple_predicate!(TuplePredicate1, 1, T0:P0:0, );
impl_tuple_predicate!(TuplePredicate2, 2, T0:P0:0, T1:P1:1, );
impl_tuple_predicate!(TuplePredicate3, 3, T0:P0:0, T1:P1:1, T2:P2:2, );
impl_tuple_predicate!(TuplePredicate4, 4, T0:P0:0, T1:P1:1, T2:P2:2, T3:P3:3, );
impl_tuple_predicate!(TuplePredicate5, 5, T0:P0:0, T1:P1:1, T2:P2:2, T3:P3:3, T4:P4:4, );
impl_tuple_predicate!(TuplePredicate6, 6, T0:P0:0, T1:P1:1, T2:P2:2, T3:P3:3, T4:P4:4, T5:P5:5, );
impl_tuple_predicate!(TuplePredicate7, 7, T0:P0:0, T1:P1:1, T2:P2:2, T3:P3:3, T4:P4:4, T5:P5:5, T6:P6:6, );
impl_tuple_predicate!(TuplePredicate8, 8, T0:P0:0, T1:P1:1, T2:P2:2, T3:P3:3, T4:P4:4, T5:P5:5, T6:P6:6, T7:P7:7, );
impl_tuple_predicate!(TuplePredicate9, 9, T0:P0:0, T1:P1:1, T2:P2:2, T3:P3:3, T4:P4:4, T5:P5:5, T6:P6:6, T7:P7:7, T8:P8:8, );
impl_tuple_predicate!(TuplePredicate10, 10, T0:P0:0, T1:P1:1, T2:P2:2, T3:P3:3, T4:P4:4, T5:P5:5, T6:P6:6, T7:P7:7, T8:P8:8, T9:P9:9, );
impl_tuple_predicate!(TuplePredicate11, 11, T0:P0:0, T1:P1:1, T2:P2:2, T3:P3:3, T4:P4:4, T5:P5:5, T6:P6:6, T7:P7:7, T8:P8:8, T9:P9:9, T10:P10:10, );
impl_tuple_predicate!(TuplePredicate12, 12, T0:P0:0, T1:P1:1, T2:P2:2, T3:P3:3, T4:P4:4, T5:P5:5, T6:P6:6, T7:P7:7, T8:P8:8, T9:P9:9, T10:P10:10, T11:P11:11, );
impl_tuple_predicate!(TuplePredicate13, 13, T0:P0:0, T1:P1:1, T2:P2:2, T3:P3:3, T4:P4:4, T5:P5:5, T6:P6:6, T7:P7:7, T8:P8:8, T9:P9:9, T10:P10:10, T11:P11:11, T12:P12:12, );
impl_tuple_predicate!(TuplePredicate14, 14, T0:P0:0, T1:P1:1, T2:P2:2, T3:P3:3, T4:P4:4, T5:P5:5, T6:P6:6, T7:P7:7, T8:P8:8, T9:P9:9, T10:P10:10, T11:P11:11, T12:P12:12, T13:P13:13, );
impl_tuple_predicate!(TuplePredicate15, 15, T0:P0:0, T1:P1:1, T2:P2:2, T3:P3:3, T4:P4:4, T5:P5:5, T6:P6:6, T7:P7:7, T8:P8:8, T9:P9:9, T10:P10:10, T11:P11:11, T12:P12:12, T13:P13:13, T14:P14:14, );
impl_tuple_predicate!(TuplePredicate16, 16, T0:P0:0, T1:P1:1, T2:P2:2, T3:P3:3, T4:P4:4, T5:P5:5, T6:P6:6, T7:P7:7, T8:P8:8, T9:P9:9, T10:P10:10, T11:P11:11, T12:P12:12, T13:P13:13, T14:P14:14, T15:P15:15, );
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