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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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Rake task to update Jekyll repo with new TWBS version
require 'pathname'
require 'erb'
require 'yaml'
require 'active_support/core_ext/hash'
require 'highline/import'
jekyll_config = YAML.load('_config.yml')).result).deep_symbolize_keys
ROOTDIR = Pathname(File.expand_path("../", __FILE__))
PUBLICDIR = ROOTDIR.join(jekyll_config.fetch(:destination, '_site'))
SOURCEDIR = ROOTDIR.join(jekyll_config.fetch(:source, '.'))
SASSDIR = ROOTDIR.join(SOURCEDIR, jekyll_config.fetch(:sass,'_sass'))
TMPDIR = ROOTDIR.join('tmp')
def bootstrap_remote(version)
def bootstrap_archive(version)
def bootstrap_archive_dir(version)
namespace :bootstrap do
desc "Update Bootstrap Version"
task :update, :version do |t, args|
version = args.version || ask("Bootstrap Version? ") {|q| q.default = '3.2.0'}
cd TMPDIR do
sh "wget #{bootstrap_remote(version)}"
sh "tar zxvf #{bootstrap_archive(version)}"
assets = TMPDIR.join(bootstrap_archive_dir(version), "assets")
cd SASSDIR.join("bootstrap") do
rm_rf "*"
cp_r assets.join("stylesheets").children, "."
cd SOURCEDIR.join("javascripts") do
rm_rf "bootstrap*"
cp_r assets.join("javascripts").children, "."
cd SOURCEDIR.join("fonts") do
rm_rf "bootstrap"
cp_r assets.join("fonts/bootstrap"), "."

Let's say you have a Jekyll site that you are using bootstrap-sass on, and you want to update to a new version.

This rake task will pull in the new version, unpack it, and move things into the appropriate locations, based on your _config.yml file.


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