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Last active June 21, 2019 19:33
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IT Tech-sheet

IT Tech-sheet

  1. Google
  3. MVC / MVVM
  4. LAMP
  5. AJAX
  6. Comet / WebSockets / Pooling
  7. git / Mercurial / SVN
  8. BASH
  9. SQL
  10. NoSQL
  11. SSH
  12. AWS
  13. Cloud Computing
  14. VM (Virtual Machines)
  15. Cryptography
  16. HASH (MD5 / SHA1)
  17. HTML / HTML5
  18. CSS
  19. Preprocessing (SASS / LESS / HAML)
  20. SOLR / SphinX
  21. SQL analysis / optimization
  22. Debug / Logging
  23. Patterns / Antipatterns
  24. Web Servers
  25. Caching
  26. Data models / Relations
  27. UML
  28. Mindmaps
  29. Prototyping
  30. CMS (Drupal / Joomla)
  31. TDD, BDD, DDD
  32. Automated testing
  33. Agile, SCRUM, Kanban
  34. Known OS (Win / OS X / Linux)
  35. XML, JSON
  36. .ini, .yml
  37. Use Case / Test Case
  38. IDE
  39. Web Inspector / Firebug
  40. Browser Capabilities
  41. Remote Control systems
  42. Document structure (.doc / .odf)
  43. SEO
  44. OOP
  45. Functional programming
  46. Habrahabr / Stackoverflow
  47. Build / Deploy systems / CI (continuous integration)
  48. Issue tracking systems
  49. Extreme programming
  51. API (RPC / SOAP / REST)
  52. Framework
  53. RegExp
  54. ORM
  55. Responsive Web
  56. Client - Server architecture
  57. Profiling
  58. XPath
  59. AOP
  60. DI / IoC
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  1. JSONP
  2. XPath
  3. CI
  4. Unit / Function testing
  5. AOP
  6. Markdown
  7. Wireshark
  8. Scrumban :)
  9. SAML
  10. LESS
  11. Bundling / minification
  12. Web services
  13. Javascript
  14. jQuery
  15. TodoMVC

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