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Last active May 12, 2022 16:30
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シンプルな第一原理計算(密度汎関数法)の Python コードを書く ref:
n_grid = 200
x = np.linspace(-5, 5, n_grid)
h = x[1] - x[0]
D = -np.eye(n_grid) + np.diagflat(np.ones(n_grid-1), 1)
D /= h
D2 =
D2[-1, -1] = D2[0, 0] # 端を処理
y = np.sin(x)
plt.plot(x, y, label="f")
# 微分して端を落とす
plt.plot(x[:-1],[:-1], label="D")
plt.plot(x[1:-1],[1:-1], label="D2")
X = np.diagflat(x**2)
eig_harm, psi_harm = np.linalg.eigh(-D2/2+X)
for i in range(5):
plt.plot(x, psi_harm[:, i], label=f"{eig_harm[i]:.4f}")
def integral(x, y, axis=0):
dx = x[1] - x[0]
return np.sum(y*dx, axis=axis)
def get_nx(num_electron, psi, x):
# 規格化
I = integral(x, psi**2, axis=0)
normed_psi = psi / np.sqrt(I)[None, :]
# occupation num
fn = [2 for _ in range(num_electron // 2)]
if num_electron % 2:
# density
res = np.zeros_like(normed_psi[:, 0])
for ne, psi in zip(fn, normed_psi.T):
res += ne*(psi**2)
return res
def get_exchange(nx, x):
energy = -3./ 4 * (3./np.pi) ** (1./3) * integral(x, nx**(4./3))
potential = -(3./np.pi) ** (1./3) * nx**(1./3)
return energy, potential
def get_hatree(nx, x, eps=1e-1):
h = x[1] - x[0]
energy = np.sum(nx[None, :] * nx[:,None] * h**2 / np.sqrt((x[None, :]-x[:, None])**2 + eps) / 2)
potential = np.sum(nx[None, :] * h / np.sqrt((x[None, :]-x[:, None])**2 + eps), axis=-1)
return energy, potential
# max_iter回計算しても収束していなければ失敗
max_iter = 1000
# エネルギーの変化がenergy_tolerance以下ならば収束とする
energy_tolerance = 1e-8
# 電子密度初期化
nx = np.zeros(n_grid)
for i in range(max_iter):
# ポテンシャルを求める
ex_energy, ex_potential = get_exchange(nx, x)
ha_energy, ha_potential = get_hatree(nx, x)
# Hamiltonian
H = -D2 / 2 + np.diagflat(ex_potential+ha_potential+x**2)
# 波動関数を求める
energy, psi = np.linalg.eigh(H)
# 収束判定 -> もし収束していればおわり
if abs(energy_diff) < energy_tolerance:
# 電子密度を更新する
nx = get_nx(num_electron, psi, x)
print("not converged")
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