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Forked from kazu-yamamoto/gist:3051375
Created July 5, 2012 06:43
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QuickSort with STUArray and Vector(s)
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module Main where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.Array.ST
import Data.List (sort)
import qualified Data.Vector.Algorithms.Intro as Intro
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as VU
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as VS
import System.Random
import Criterion.Main
main :: IO ()
main = do
!r1 <- randomList 10000 10000
!r2 <- randomList 100000 100000
defaultMain $ [
bgroup "" [
bench "rnd 10^4 list" $ nf qs r1
, bench "rnd 10^5 list" $ nf qs r2
, bench "rnd 10^4 list (Data.List.sort)" $ nf sort r1
, bench "rnd 10^5 list (Data.List.sort)" $ nf sort r2
, bench "rnd 10^4 STUArray" $ nf quickSort r1
, bench "rnd 10^5 STUArray" $ nf quickSort r2
, bench "rnd 10^4 Vector.Unboxed Intro" $ nf introSortVU r1
, bench "rnd 10^5 Vector.Unboxed Intro" $ nf introSortVU r2
, bench "rnd 10^4 Vector.Storable Intro" $ nf introSortVS r1
, bench "rnd 10^5 Vector.Storable Intro" $ nf introSortVS r2
randomList :: Index -> Value -> IO [Value]
randomList n boundary = replicateM n randomInt
randomInt :: IO Value
randomInt = getStdRandom (randomR (0,boundary))
qs :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
qs [] = []
qs (x:xs) = qs lt ++ [x] ++ qs gt
lt = filter (<x) xs
gt = filter (>=x) xs
type Index = Int
type Value = Int
type SUA s = STUArray s Index Value
type PRED = Value -> Value -> Bool
quickSort :: [Value] -> [Value]
quickSort xs = runST $ do
arr <- newListArray (beg,end) xs
quicksort beg end arr
toList beg end arr
beg = 0
end = length xs - 1
quicksort :: Index -> Index -> SUA s -> ST s ()
quicksort l u arr
| l >= u = return ()
| otherwise = do
-- swap l random arr -- good pivot
t <- readArray arr l
let i = l
j = u + 1
nj <- loop t u i j arr
swap l nj arr
quicksort l (nj-1) arr
quicksort (nj+1) u arr
loop :: Value -> Index -> Index -> Index -> SUA s -> ST s Index
loop t u i j arr = do
ni <- doWhile i (+1) (< t)
nj <- doWhile j (subtract 1) (> t)
if ni > nj then
return nj
else do
swap ni nj arr
loop t u ni nj arr
doWhile k op p
| nk > u = return nk
| otherwise = do
x <- readArray arr nk
if p x then
doWhile nk op p
return nk
nk = op k
swap :: Index ->Index -> SUA s -> ST s ()
swap i j sua = do
xi <- readArray sua i
xj <- readArray sua j
writeArray sua i xj
writeArray sua j xi
toList :: Index -> Index -> SUA s -> ST s [Value]
toList i lim arr
| i > lim = return []
| otherwise = (:) <$> readArray arr i <*> toList (i+1) lim arr
introSortVU :: [Value] -> [Value]
introSortVU xs = runST $ do
vum <- VU.unsafeThaw $ VU.fromList xs
Intro.sort vum
VU.toList <$> VU.unsafeFreeze vum
introSortVS :: [Value] -> [Value]
introSortVS xs = runST $ do
vum <- VS.unsafeThaw $ VS.fromList xs
Intro.sort vum
VS.toList <$> VS.unsafeFreeze vum
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