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Created November 2, 2014 14:33
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{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
import Control.Monad
import System.Process
import Control.Concurrent
import Network.HTTP.Conduit
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L
import Data.List
import System.IO
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Function
import System.Random
import Data.Array
import System.Timeout
import Data.Maybe
to :: IO a -> IO a
to f = do
Just ret <- timeout (10^6) f
return ret
submit :: Int -> IO Int
submit s = to $ do
let url = ""++show s++"&token=CDSHM7XFVOMH144XS9GAYJ3IKH9JCSDF"
resp <- simpleHttp url
let Just (sc, _) = L.readInt resp
putStrLn $ show sc ++ " " ++ show s
hFlush stdout
appendFile "log" $ show sc ++ " " ++ show s ++ "\n"
threadDelay (floor $ 1.01*10^6)
return sc
type Info = [(Int, Int)]
parse :: [String] -> IO Info
((read :: String -> Int) -> uid):
((read :: String -> Int) -> score):
"members": rest
) = do
let (mems, "history": hist) = span (/= "history") rest
print ("score", score, "room", roomId)
return ([ (read wid, read dmg) | ls <- hist, not $ null ls, let [_, wid, dmg] = words ls ])
parse e = error $ show e
info :: IO Info
info = to $ do
let url = ""
resp <- simpleHttp url
let s = L.unpack resp
ret <- parse $ map (unwords . words) $ lines s
let nears = filter (\(w, s) -> s >= 100) $ nub ret
when (length nears >= 2) $ do
appendFile "near" $ show nears ++ "\n"
return ret
stayScore = 2000
nextCand db inf = do
let cs = cands db inf
let ccs = reverse $ sortBy (compare `on` snd) cs
go [] = do
ns <- randomRIO (0, 99)
return ns
go ((x, _):xs)
| lookup x inf == Nothing = return x
| otherwise = go xs
print ccs
go ccs
if (lookup ns inf == Nothing)
then return ns
else nextCand inf
foo db = do
let go cur inf = do
let (bestDmg, bestSkill) = head $ sort $ [(0, 0)] ++ map (\(x, y) -> (-y, x)) inf
print ("dmg", -bestDmg, "skill", bestSkill)
if (bestDmg <= -stayScore)
then do
dmg <- submit bestSkill
if dmg < stayScore
then do
inf <- info
ns <- nextCand db inf
go ns inf
else do
inf <- info
go bestSkill inf
else do
dmg <- submit cur
if dmg >= stayScore
then do
inf <- info
go cur inf
else do
inf <- info
s <- nextCand db inf
go s inf
go 0 =<< info
type DB = Array (Int, Int) Double
nf :: Int -> Int -> Double
nf x y = abs (log (fromIntegral x) - log (fromIntegral y))
readDB :: IO DB
readDB = do
con <- readFile "near2"
let ls = map (read :: String -> Info) $ map head $ group $ lines con
t = concat [ [ ((fst x, fst y), nf (snd x) (snd y))
, ((fst y, fst x), nf (snd x) (snd y))
| ns <- ls
, (x:xs) <- tails ns
, y <- xs
db = accumArray (+) 0 ((0, 0), (99, 99)) $ [ ((i, i), 20) | i <- [0..99]] ++ nubS t
-- print db
return db
nubS = map head . group . sort
logs d
| abs d < 5 = 0
| d > 0 = abs d
| otherwise = - abs d
cands :: DB -> Info -> [(Int, Double)]
cands db inf = do
[ (w, sum [ (db!(w, ww)) * (logs $ fromIntegral ss - 200) | (ww, ss) <- nub inf ]) | w <- [0..99] ]
main :: IO ()
main = do
db <- readDB
-- print db
putStrLn "db loaded"
foo db
-- return ()
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