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Created January 7, 2020 12:46
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React News #3

React News Issue 3

A compilation of CSS resources for everyone


Rachel Andrew(@rachelandrew)'s posted:

"Tell me your favourite CSS books and resource websites (if you can include why they are good - and whether for beginners, advanced etc. even better)"

This garnered a lot of responses becoming an ultimate compliation for everyone meaning to start or master CSS.

See the thread here.

Figuring out how React works


Sunil Pai(@threepointone)'s posted:

"I was trying to understand how react works, so wrote a small babel plugin that wraps named function bodies with a applied to react codebase ->"

The tweet has a video which basically unwraps the React DOM tree and how it works. Try this and you will see the entire trace.

See the thread here.

React (with Hooks) from Scratch

🗣️ talk

In Shawn Wang's words:

"In this talk, we’ll create an effective mental model of React Hooks by building a tiny clone of React! This will serve two purposes – to demonstrate the effective use of closures, and to show how you can build a Hooks clone in just 29 lines of readable JS. Finally, we arrive at how you get Custom Hooks and the Rules of Hooks out of this incredible mental model!"

See the recording here

Our Redux Anti Pattern

🗣️ talk

In Yazan Alboudi's words:

"In this talk, we will walk you through how Redux is an instance of a Publish/Subscribe (Pub/Sub) model. I’ll use that perspective to redefine what an "Action" should represent to enable scalability with ease. To benefit from this talk, you must have a fundamental understanding of Redux."

I would say that this one is just amazing and whether you are working with Redux or not you should go through the slides. It puts the learning from Domain Driven Design into practice.

See the slides here

On Surviving Hype Driven Development Culture

🎙️ podcast

I personally liked the topics Kitze touched on this podcast. UI dev has become this endless race to keep up with every new library and framework coming up. He talks about how to survive it. The second best thing from the episode was about charging money for your work and having no shame about it. Give it a try, I personally loved it.

Listen to the podcast here

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