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Last active March 29, 2019 10:19
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Webarch Recruitment 2019 Task - App Dev

Second Years

  • The task is to build an android application that fetches data from any REST API. You can find few public api's here. Get the data in JSON format from the API and display parsed information in the application. User must be able to refresh the page to get latest feeds. (If there are links in the JSON data, then user must be able to open that link in a browser from the application)

Bonus Task: Make the application show the previously fetched data when device is offline.

First Years

  • Build an application that plays a video only on device shake and add a shake sensitivity controller to control the sensitivity of the shake listener.

Note: First Years can also attempt the task given to Second Years.


Upload your Android Studio Project on GitHub and mail the Repository link by 1st April, 11:00 AM.

Email id:

Subject: Webarch Recruitment Task

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