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Last active December 8, 2018 09:42
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probation_manager = ProbationManager()
probation_manager.updateUser('BobbRoss', 600, 1) # update should handle adding or updating
class ProbationManager:
def __init__(self):
self.probed_users = []
def addUser(self, user_name, timer, strikes = 1) #strikes defaults to 1 if no value is passed in
user = ProbedUser(user_name, timer, strikes)
return user # return the newly creted user
def updateUser(self, target_user, timer, strikes = 1):
for user in self.probed_users: # user is a ProbedUser
if update_user == user.user_name:
user.updateUser(strikes, timer)
return user
return self.addUser(target_user, timer, strikes)
def userOnProbation(self, target_user):
for user in self.probed_users:
if target_user == user.user_name:
# user is already on probation
return user # return the found user
# user is not in the list
return None # return nothing because nothing was found
class ProbationUser:
def __init__(self, user_name, timer, strikes = 1):
self.user_name = user_name
self.timer = timer
self.strikes = strike
def updateUser(strikes, timer):
self.strikes = strikes
self.timer = timer
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