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Created April 4, 2021 00:11
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'use strict';
const Factory = use('Factory');
const { test, trait } = use('Test/Suite')('Thread');
const Thread = use('App/Models/Thread');
test('authorized user can create threads', async ({ client }) => {
const user = await Factory.model('App/Models/User').create();
const attributes = {
title: 'test title',
body: 'body',
const response = await'/threads').loginVia(user).send(attributes).end();
const thread = await Thread.firstOrFail();
response.assertJSON({ thread: thread.toJSON() });
response.assertJSONSubset({ thread: { ...attributes, user_id: } });
test('authorized user can delete threads', async ({ assert, client }) => {
const thread = await Factory.model('App/Models/Thread').create();
const owner = await thread.user().first();
const response = await client.delete(thread.url()).send().loginVia(owner).end();
assert.equal(await Thread.getCount(), 0);
test('unauthenticated user cannot create threads', async ({ client }) => {
const response = await'/threads').send({
title: 'test thread',
body: 'this a body',
test('unauthenticated user cannot delete threads', async ({ client }) => {
const thread = await Factory.model('App/Models/Thread').create();
const response = await client.delete(thread.url()).send().end();
test('thread can not be deleted by a user who did not create it', async ({ client }) => {
const thread = await Factory.model('App/Models/Thread').create();
const notOwner = await Factory.model('App/Models/User').create();
const response = await client.delete(thread.url()).send().loginVia(notOwner).end();
test('authorized user can update title and body of thread', async ({ assert, client }) => {
const thread = await Factory.model('App/Models/Thread').create();
const owner = await thread.user().first();
const attributes = { title: 'new title', body: 'new body' };
const updatedThreadAttributes = { ...thread.toJSON(), ...attributes };
const response = await client.put(thread.url()).loginVia(owner).send(attributes).end();
await thread.reload();
response.assertJSON({ thread: thread.toJSON() });
assert.deepEqual(thread.toJSON(), updatedThreadAttributes);
test('unathenticated user cannot update threads', async ({ client }) => {
const thread = await Factory.model('App/Models/Thread').create();
const response = await client.put(thread.url()).send().end();
test('thread can not be update by a user who did not create it', async ({ client }) => {
const thread = await Factory.model('App/Models/Thread').create();
const notOwner = await Factory.model('App/Models/User').create();
const response = await client.put(thread.url()).send().loginVia(notOwner).end();
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