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Created September 25, 2019 20:40
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Diagonal traverse
// Initial test data
var data = [
[1, 2, 3],
[4, 5, 6],
[7, 8, 9],
// First time this function is executed with just the input argument
// The input argument always has the test data and it doesn't change
// The x and y are the current location coordinates
// The acc is the array where we accumulate the result
function findDiagonalOrder(input, x, y, acc) {
// One of the autmated tests provided an empty array as input
// had to add this check for that.
// Basically if the test data is an empty array, don't do
// anything and just return the empty string as the result.
if (!input.length) return [];
// When x, y and acc are not defined as arguments,
// let's set some default values.
// For example let's set "x = x" when x is defined,
// otherwise let's set "x = 0".
// Default for x and y is 0, because that's the starting point.
// Also when the accumulator array isn't defined, we can't push
// values to it, so we set it to an empty array.
x = x || 0;
y = y || 0;
acc = acc || [];
// This is a map of current direction to next direction.
// If you take a look at the provided example image, it shows
// how you should find the next number.
// Usually you traverse the matrix in a diagonal line,
// but when you reach the edge, you need to pick a new direction.
// The key in the map is the initial direction - dx:dy.
// Here are all the possible directions:
// [-1, -1] [ 0, -1] [ 1, -1] | In this direction
// | Y increases
// [-1, 0] [ 0, 0] [ 1, 0] |
// |
// [-1, 1] [ 0, 1] [ 1, 1] ▼
// -------------------------------▶
// And in this direction
// X increases
// But when moving diagonally upwards, we need to check only 2.
// And when moving downwards, we need to check the other 2.
// So in total only 4 locations to check.
// Let's take the example data:
// [1, 2, 3]
// [4, 5, 6]
// [7, 8, 9]
// When you're on number 1, the direction is to north-east or 1:-1.
// The we want to continue from number 2,
// so the direction needs to be just east of number 1 or direction 1:0.
// Another example, when you're on number 3, also moving upwards,
// so the direction is 1:-1 again, so we try east again or 1:0.
// But there's actually nothing to the east of number 3,
// so in the FOR loop below, we actually retry.
// If the direction now is 1:1, we check if maybe the next direction
// should be at south instead of east - 1:0 -> [0, 1] and
// that's where we find the next number, number 6.
// The other two directions, -1:1 and 0:1 follow the same logic,
// but used when going downward in the matrix.
const nextDirMap = {
'1:-1': [1, 0],
'1:0': [0, 1],
'-1:1': [0, 1],
'0:1': [1, 0]
// Here we just push the number to the result array
// and we use the coordinates form the function arguments.
// Initially we set the coordinates to 0, so first entry would
// always be what ever is at coordinates 0:0.
// Here we define the movement direction
// If the X + Y coordinate give an odd number,
// then the direction is diagonally upward.
// Because the movement is diagonally up or down,
// we can just find the X direction first and derive the Y
// direction by switching it's sign.
// Unless we are at a turning point, the direction is always
// either upward with 1:-1 or downward -1:1.
let dx = (x + y) % 2 ? -1 : 1;
let dy = dx * -1;
// Here we try guess the next X and Y position and check
// if something exists there.
// We have 3 directions to test so we run it in a loop.
// When going upwards the loop checks if we find something if we...
// 1. Continue diagonally upward?
// 2. Go east?
// 3. Go south?
// When going downward the loop checks...
// 1. Continue diagonally downward?
// 2. Go south?
// 3. Go east?
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
// The next position is current position + movement direction
const nextX = x + dx;
const nextY = y + dy;
// Here we check if we guessed the next position right
if (input[nextY] && input[nextY][nextX] != null) {
// If we guessed it right, we execute the function again
// Now the nextX and nextY will be given as coordinates
// and when the function runs the code...
// acc.push(input[y][x])
// ...will store the value as result.
// We also pass on the accumulator array which holds
// all the previously found numbers.
// What ever the function returns will be returned.
return findDiagonalOrder(input, nextX, nextY, acc);
// If we didn't find the position for the next number
// we still have a few tries, so based on the current
// direction, we replace the current direction with
// a new one from the nextDirMap object.
const nextDir = nextDirMap[`${dx}:${dy}`];
dx = nextDir[0];
dy = nextDir[1];
// If we didn't return inside the for loop and we arrived here
// that means there is no where else to go in the matrix,
// so we finally return the accumulated result array.
// So the call stack looks something like this:
// findDiagonalOrder(input)
// findDiagonalOrder(input, 0, 0, [])
// findDiagonalOrder(input, 1, 0, [1])
// findDiagonalOrder(input, 0, 1, [1, 2])
// findDiagonalOrder(input, 0, 2, [1, 2, 4])
// ...
// ...
// ... until eventually the function doesn't
// ... return the result of itself anymore
// ...
// [1, 2, 4, 7, 5, 3, 6, 8, 9]
return acc;
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