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Created September 21, 2014 13:14
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History manager
* History manager.
* It can be used to keep track of application state.
* Can be used in places where an Undo/Redo framework doesn't quite fit.
* Can be used with Node.js or as a RequireJS modle.
* @version 0.0.1
* @author TanelTM
* Usage example:
* // Initialize
* var history = new HistoryMan();
* // Add some data
* history.add({"route": "#downloads/1"});
* history.add({"route": "#downloads/2"});
* history.add({"route": "#downloads/3"});
* history.add({"route": "#downloads/4"});
* // Undo
* var state = history.getPrevState();
* console.log(state); // > {"route": "#downloads/3"}
* // Redo
* var state = history.getPrevState();
* console.log(state); // > {"route": "#downloads/4"}
* // Get specific state
* var state = history.getStateAt(1);
* console.log(state); // > {"route": "#downloads/2"}
* // Adding a state when the pointer does not point to the last state
* // There are currently 4 routes in history.
* // The pointer points to the second route: {"route": "#downloads/2"}
* history.add({"route": "#about"});
* // Now the history contains 3 routes in history:
* // "#downloads/1", "#downloads/2" and "#about"
* Public functions:
* add(state)
* getStateAt(pointer)
* getCurrentState()
* getPrevState()
* getNextState()
* getPointer()
* clear()
* clear(pointer)
(function(root, factory) {
if (typeof exports === 'object') {
// Node. Does not work with strict CommonJS, but
// only CommonJS-like enviroments that support module.exports,
// like Node.
module.exports = factory();
} else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
} else {
// Browser globals (root is window)
root.returnExports = factory();
}(this, function() {
return function() {
var stack = [];
var pointer = -1;
this.getStateAt = function(pt) {
if (pt >= stack.length) {
return null;
} else {
pointer = pt;
return stack[pt];
this.getCurrentState = function() {
return stack[pointer];
this.getPrevState = function() {
if (pointer <= 0) {
return null;
} else {
return stack[pointer];
this.getNextState = function() {
if (pointer+1 >= stack.length) {
return null;
} else {
return stack[pointer];
this.getPointer = function() {
return pointer;
this.getCount = function() {
return stack.length;
this.clear = function(pt) {
if (typeof pt == "undefined") {
stack = [];
pointer = -1;
return pointer;
} else if (pt < 0 || pt >= stack.length) {
return null;
} else {
stack.splice(pt, stack.length-pt);
if (pointer >= stack.length) {
pointer = stack.length-1;
return pointer;
this.add = function(object) {
return ++pointer;
* Simple NodeJS test.
* To run, CD to the project directory and run `node test`.
* @version 0.0.1
* @author TanelTM
var assert = require('assert');
var HistoryMan = require('./HistoryMan');
var history = new HistoryMan();
assert.ok( history.getPointer() === -1 );
assert.ok( history.getPrevState() === null );
assert.ok( history.getPointer() === -1 );
assert.ok( history.add("banana") === 0 );
assert.ok( history.add("orange") === 1 );
assert.ok( history.add("apple") === 2 );
assert.ok( history.add("mango") === 3 );
assert.ok( history.getCount() === 4 );
assert.ok( history.getNextState() === null );
assert.ok( history.getPointer() === 3 );
assert.ok( history.getPrevState() === "apple" );
assert.ok( history.getNextState() === "mango" );
assert.ok( history.getPointer() === 3 );
assert.ok( history.getStateAt(0) === "banana" );
assert.ok( history.add("lemon") === 1 );
assert.ok( history.add("kiwi") === 2 );
assert.ok( history.clear(1) === 0 );
assert.ok( history.add("lemon") === 1 );
assert.ok( history.add("kiwi") === 2 );
assert.ok( history.clear() === -1 );
console.log("All tests passed!");
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