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Last active October 9, 2015 02:08
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Save tangentstorm/3422302 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
a little electronics problem
| a dumb little circuit simulator in haskell
| by tangentstorm, 2012/08/22
| This basically just calculates values using Ohm's law.
| it (probably?) only works for simple circuits where there
| is a single path from the power source to each node, and
| from each node back to the power source.
| many thanks to quicksilver and Axman6 on #haskell for advice
| license:
| ( in other words, do whatever you want with it... )
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
-- with the directive above, we can make our units typesafe
-- ref:
import Control.Monad
newtype KOhms = KOhms Double deriving ( Num, Show, Eq, Fractional )
newtype MAmps = MAmps Double deriving ( Num, Show, Eq, Fractional )
newtype Volts = Volts Double deriving ( Num, Show, Eq )
type Indent = Int -- indentation for the result
type Str = String
type Solve = ( Maybe KOhms, Maybe MAmps, Maybe Volts )
type Flow = ( KOhms, MAmps, Volts )
data Cmpt = I Str MAmps | R Str KOhms | Ser [ Cmpt ] | Par [ Cmpt ]
-- ohm's law(s)
-- we'll arbitrarily put the resistance to the left because
-- we happen to know resistance for the problem at hand
v :: KOhms -> MAmps -> Volts
i :: KOhms -> Volts -> MAmps
r :: MAmps -> Volts -> KOhms
v (KOhms r) (MAmps i) = Volts (r * i)
i (KOhms r) (Volts v) = MAmps (v / r)
r (MAmps i) (Volts v) = KOhms (v / i)
-- voltage for component c = current i * resistance r of c
vc :: Cmpt -> MAmps -> Volts
vc c = v $ rc c
-- resistance is known or easy to calculate for all the components:
rc :: Cmpt -> KOhms
rc ( R _ ko ) = ko
-- not 100% sure about this one (resistance treated as 0 at the source?)
rc ( I _ _ ) = (KOhms 0)
-- reisistance in series is just the sum:
rc ( Ser cs ) = sum [ rc c | c <- cs ]
-- resistance in parallel is the reciprocal of the sum of the reciprocals
rc ( Par cs ) = 1.0 / sum [ 1.0 / rc c | c <- cs ]
-- current :
ic :: Cmpt -> Flow -> MAmps
ic ( I _ i ) flo = i
-- display stuff:
shoFlow :: Flow -> Str
shoFlow (ko, ma, v) = "( " ++ (show ko) ++ ", " ++ (show ma) ++ ", " ++ (show v) ++ " )"
labelFor :: Cmpt -> Str
labelFor ( I lbl _ ) = lbl
labelFor ( R lbl _ ) = lbl
labelFor ( Par _ ) = "Par"
labelFor ( Ser _ ) = "Ser"
indent :: Int -> IO ()
indent i = putStr (replicate i ' ')
-- walk the tree recursively
walk :: Cmpt -> Indent -> Flow -> IO ()
walk c ind flo
= do indent ind
putStrLn ( "-> " ++ ( labelFor c ) ++ " " ++ ( shoFlow flo ))
case c of
Par cs -> do { mapM doPar cs ; return () }
Ser cs -> do { foldM doSer flo cs ; return () }
otherwise -> return ()
indent ind
putStrLn ( "<- " ++ ( labelFor c ) ++ " " ++ ( shoFlow flo' ))
flo' = throughput c flo
doPar = \c' -> walk c' ( ind + 3 ) flo
doSer = \f0 c' -> do { walk c' ( ind + 3 ) f0 ; return ( throughput c f0 ) }
-- throughput is my naive word for the result of current passing through the component:
-- TODO : actually calculate the throughput! :)
throughput :: Cmpt -> Flow -> Flow
throughput c flo@(o, a, v) = flo
unknown :: Maybe a
unknown = Nothing
-- circuit at :
circuit = Par [ Ser [ r2, r1 ], r3, r4 ]
r1 = R "r1" (KOhms 3.0)
r2 = R "r2" (KOhms 1.0)
r3 = R "r3" (KOhms 5.0)
r4 = R "r4" (KOhms 20.0)
i0 = I "i0" (MAmps 10.0)
amps ( I _ i ) = i
-- main
main = walk circuit 0 (0, amperage, voltage)
where amperage = amps i0
voltage = vc circuit amperage
*Main Control.Monad> :load Circuit.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( Circuit.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
*Main Control.Monad> main
-> Par ( KOhms 0.0, MAmps 10.0, Volts 20.0 )
-> Ser ( KOhms 0.0, MAmps 10.0, Volts 20.0 )
-> r2 ( KOhms 0.0, MAmps 10.0, Volts 20.0 )
<- r2 ( KOhms 0.0, MAmps 10.0, Volts 20.0 )
-> r1 ( KOhms 0.0, MAmps 10.0, Volts 20.0 )
<- r1 ( KOhms 0.0, MAmps 10.0, Volts 20.0 )
<- Ser ( KOhms 0.0, MAmps 10.0, Volts 20.0 )
-> r3 ( KOhms 0.0, MAmps 10.0, Volts 20.0 )
<- r3 ( KOhms 0.0, MAmps 10.0, Volts 20.0 )
-> r4 ( KOhms 0.0, MAmps 10.0, Volts 20.0 )
<- r4 ( KOhms 0.0, MAmps 10.0, Volts 20.0 )
<- Par ( KOhms 0.0, MAmps 10.0, Volts 20.0 )
( so the tree walk is working... all that's left is to implement the actual solver )
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