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Last active December 14, 2015 04:39
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penominos in haxe
import Substance;
class Grid
public var data : Array<Array<Int>>;
public var width:Int;
public var depth:Int;
public function new (proto, width:Int=-1, depth:Int=-1)
data = proto;
// if no width/height given, assume we have a square
if (width == -1)
this.depth = proto.length;
this.width = this.depth == 0 ? 0 : proto[0].length;
this.width = width;
this.depth = depth;
// @TODO: factor out the loop and use anonymous functions instead
// there should be one version to transform and one to build a new grid
public function iterate2(f, g, ulc:Point=null, lrc:Point=null) : Void
if (ulc == null) ulc = new Point(0,0); // upper left corner
if (lrc == null) lrc = new Point(this.width, this.depth); // lower right corner
for (row in ulc.y ... lrc.y)
g(this, row, true);
for (col in ulc.x ... lrc.x)
// function(oldGrid, newX, newY, oldValue)
var newCol = col-ulc.x;
if (newCol < 0)
throw "wtf??: ulc.x =" + ulc.x
+ '; lrc.x =' + lrc.x
+ '; newCol = col-ulc.x = ' + newCol;
f(this, row-ulc.y, newCol,[row][col]);
g(this, row, false);
public function iterate(f, ulc:Point=null, lrc:Point=null) : Void
iterate2(f, function(self, row, before) {}, ulc, lrc);
public function transform(f, ulc:Point=null, lrc:Point=null) : Grid
var newWidth = this.width;
var newDepth = this.depth;
if (ulc != null)
newWidth = lrc.x - ulc.x;
newDepth = lrc.y - ulc.y;
var proto:Array<Array<Int>> = [];
var original = this;
iterate2(// for every cell:
function(self, row, col, old)
f(original, proto, row, col, old);
// for every row:
function(self, row, before)
if (before)
var newRow = [];
for ( i in 0...newWidth)
// bounding box:
ulc, lrc);
return new Grid(proto, newWidth, newDepth);
public function copy(ulc:Point=null, lrc:Point=null) : Grid
var theCopy = transform(function(self, proto, row, col, old)
//trace('proto[' + row + ',' + col + '] = ' + old);
proto[row][col] = old;
}, ulc, lrc);
if (ulc != null)
theCopy.width = lrc.x - ulc.x;
theCopy.depth = lrc.y - ulc.y;
return theCopy;
public function blankCopy() : Grid
return transform(function(self, proto, row, col, old)
proto[row][col] = 0;
public function rotateRight()
return transform(function(self, proto, row, col, old)
// new row(depth) corresponds to old col
// new col(distance right) corresponds
// to how far UP the old piece was
proto[row][col] =[self.width-col-1][row];
public function rotateLeft() : Grid
return transform(function(self, proto, row, col, old)
proto[row][col] =[col][self.depth-row-1];
public function equals(other:Grid) : Bool
// first check that the two grids are the same height
// @TODO: check that both are same width
if (! (other.width == this.width)
&& (other.width == this.width))
return false;
// if so, check that the contents are the same:
var isSame:Bool = true;
iterate(function(self, row, col, val)
isSame = isSame && ([row][col] == val);
return isSame;
public function toString()
var out:StringBuf = new StringBuf();
iterate2(function(self, row, col, val)
function(self, row, before)
if (before)
return out.toString();
public function dump(label:String) : Grid
trace("\n-- dumping grid (" + label + ") --\n"
+ this.toString()
+ "\n -- end of grid --\n");
return this;
public function insertColumn(before:Int=0, fill:Int=0) : Grid
var res = this.copy();
for (row in 0 ... this.depth)
{[row].insert(before, fill);
return res;
public function insertRow(before:Int=0, fill:Int=0) : Grid
var res = this.copy();
var row = [];
for (i in 0 ... this.width)
}, row);
return res;
public function count(what:Int) : Int
var res:Int = 0;
for (row in 0 ... this.depth)
for (col in 0 ... this.width)
if ([row][col] == what)
return res;
class GridTest extends haxe.unit.TestCase {
private static var X = 1;
private static var _ = 0;
public function testEqual() {
assertTrue(new Grid([[X]]).equals(new Grid([[X]])));
public function testRotateRight() {
var grid = new Grid([[_,X],
.equals(new Grid([[_,_],
public function testRotateLeft() {
var grid = new Grid([[_,X],
.equals(new Grid([[X,X],
public function testInsertColumn() {
var grid = new Grid([[X,X],
(new Grid([[_,X,X],
(new Grid([[X,_,X],
(new Grid([[X,X,_],
public function testInsertRow() {
var grid = new Grid([[X,X],
(new Grid([[_,_],
(new Grid([[X,X],
(new Grid([[X,X],
public function testCopy() {
var grid = new Grid([[00,10,20,30],
// start and end points:
var theCopy = grid.copy(new Point(1,1), new Point(4,3));
(new Grid([[11,21,31],
assertTrue(theCopy.width == 3);
assertTrue(theCopy.depth == 2);
public function testCopy2() {
var grid = new Grid([[00,10,20,30],
[04,14,24,34]], 4, 5);
// copy a 1x1 point
var theCopy = grid.copy(new Point(1,2), new Point(2,3));
assertTrue(theCopy.equals(new Grid([[12]])));
assertTrue(theCopy.width == 1);
assertTrue(theCopy.depth == 1);
// copy a 1x1 point on bottom
var theCopy = grid.copy(new Point(1,4), new Point(2,5));
assertTrue(theCopy.equals(new Grid([[14]])));
assertTrue(theCopy.width == 1);
assertTrue(theCopy.depth == 1);
// copy a 2x1 point on bottom
var theCopy = grid.copy(new Point(1,4), new Point(3,5));
assertTrue(theCopy.equals(new Grid([[14,24]], 2, 1)));
assertTrue(theCopy.width == 2);
assertTrue(theCopy.depth == 1);
public function testCount() {
assertTrue(new Grid([[X,X],
.count(X) == 4);
assertTrue(new Grid([[X,_],
.count(X) == 2);
assertTrue(new Grid([[_,_],
.count(X) == 0);
class Pentomino
static var _ = 0;
static var X = 1;
// names from
public static var SHAPES = [
// the L/Q
[[ _,_,_,_ ],
[ X,_,_,_ ],
[ X,X,X,X ],
[ _,_,_,_ ]],
// the Y
[[ _,_,_,_ ],
[ _,X,_,_ ],
[ X,X,X,X ],
[ _,_,_,_ ]],
// the X
[[ _,X,_ ],
[ X,X,X ],
[ _,X,_ ]],
// the V
[[ _,_,X ],
[ _,_,X ],
[ X,X,X ]],
// the Z
[[ _,_,_,_ ],
[ _,_,_,X ],
[ _,X,X,X ],
[ _,X,_,_ ]],
// the W
[[ _,_,X ],
[ _,X,X ],
[ X,X,_ ]],
// the I/O
// the T;
[[ _,_,X ],
[ X,X,X ],
[ _,_,X ]],
// the U
// the N/S
// the P
[[ _,_,_ ],
[ _,X,X ],
[ X,X,X ]],
// the F/R
[[ _,X,_ ],
[ _,X,X ],
[ X,X,_ ]]
public static function atRandom()
return SHAPES[Math.floor(Math.random() * Pentomino.SHAPES.length)];
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