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Created April 23, 2013 06:55
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Ugly python + xpath code to translate the UML digaram for gamesketchlib to pascal. see for the diagram.
IGridMember = interface
IInteractive = interface
procedure click( mx, my : int );
procedure press( mx, my : int );
procedure drag( mx, my : int );
IPlayable = interface
procedure render;
procedure update;
ISpatial = interface
function containsPoint( x, y : int ): boolean;
function overlaps( other : ISpatial ): boolean;
function surrounds( other : ISpatial ): boolean;
procedure onOverlap( other : ISpatial );
generate pascal code from visual paradigm community edition xml export
from lxml import etree
repo = etree.parse(open('/home/michal/tmp/gsl/project.xml'))
classTags = repo.xpath('/Project/Models//ModelChildren/Class')
pathTo = lambda node : '/'.join(n.tag for n in reversed(list(node.iterancestors())))
package = lambda node : node.xpath('../../@Name')[0]
stereos = lambda node : ' '.join(node.xpath('.//Stereotype/@Name'))
enlist = lambda f : lambda *a, **kw : list(f(*a,**kw))
def methods(node):
:: ( meth:str, params:[ ( name:str, type:str )* ], rtype:str? )
return (( op.xpath('@Name')[0],
[( param.xpath('@Name')[0],
''.join(param.xpath('@Type') +
for param in op.xpath('.//Parameter')],
for op in node.xpath('.//Operation'))
print 'type'
for e in classTags:
if not stereos(e) : continue
if package(e) != 'GameSketchLib' : continue
print ' '.join([' ', e.get('Name'), '=', stereos(e).lower() or 'class'])
for meth, args, ret in methods(e):
keywd = 'function' if ret else 'procedure'
if args:
takes = '( %s )' \
% ', '.join(n + (' : ' + t if t else '') for (n,t) in args)
else: takes = ''
gives = ': {0}'.format(ret[0]) if ret else ''
print " {keywd} {meth}{takes}{gives};".format(**locals())
print ' end;'
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