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Created August 12, 2019 14:58
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Basic animation in J
NB. Code from the "Basic Animation In J" video
NB. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
NB. animation demo
load 'viewmat'
wd 'pc w0 closeok' NB. parent control (window) named 'w0'
wd 'minwh 500 500; cc g0 isidraw;' NB. add an 'isidraw' child control named 'g0'
wd 'pshow; pmove 40 510 0 0' NB. show the window at the given coordinates.
wd 'sm focus term' NB. session manager: bring terminal to front
wd 'psel w0; ptop' NB. bring our window to front
vmcc =: viewmatcc_jviewmat_ NB. viewmat to a child control
step =: render @ update NB. each step, we'll call those two in sequence
xy =: 20 20
timestr =: verb define
6!:0 'YYYY-MM-DD'
update =: verb define
im =: ? 10 10 $ 100
xy =: <. 150 150 + 100 * 2 1 o. 6!:1''
render =: verb define
(50 50 150 ,: 25 25 50) vmcc im;'g0'
NB. draw the timer
glbrush glrgb 255 255 255
glrect xy, 150 30
gltextxy xy + 8 6
gltext timestr''
sys_timer_z_ =: step_base_
wd 'timer 10'
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