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tangentstorm / animation.ijs
Created August 12, 2019 14:58
Basic animation in J
NB. Code from the "Basic Animation In J" video
NB. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
NB. animation demo
load 'viewmat'
wd 'pc w0 closeok' NB. parent control (window) named 'w0'
C =: -:`(1+3&*)@.(2&|)"0
R =: -:^:(-.@(2&|))^:_
S =: 1 + 3&*
T =: R@([`S@.(2&|))"0
T i. 10
tangentstorm / failure.thy
Created August 1, 2018 04:50
how do i do this in isabelle?
(* how do i do this?? *)
function simplex_count :: "int⇒int⇒int" where
"simplex_count 0 0 = 1" |
"simplex_count 0 1 = 0" |
"simplex_count 1 0 = 2" |
"simplex_count n k = (simplex_count (n-1) k + simplex_count n (k-1))"
lemma simplex_count_lemma:
tangentstorm / Poly100.thy
Last active August 9, 2018 06:46
start on a proof of the polyhedron formula
(* Isar Proofs (eventually) for three theorems from
#13 Polyhedron Formula (F + V - E = 2)
#50 The Number of Platonic Solids
#92 Pick's theorem
theory Poly100
imports Main "HOL.Binomial" "HOL-Analysis.Polytope"
(* Topological Spaces
Based on "A Bridge to Advanced Mathematics" by Dennis Sentilles
Translated to Isar by Michal J Wallace *)
theory TopSpace
imports Main
text ‹A topological space (X,T) is a pair where X is a set whose elements
are called the "points" of the topological space, and T is a fixed collection of
subsets of X called neighborhoods, with the following properties:›
(* Simple Group Theory from Scratch *)
theory MJWGroups
imports Pure
locale group =
fixes op :: "'g ⇒ 'g ⇒ 'g" (infixl "∘" 65)
fixes id :: "'g" ("𝔦")
fixes inv :: "'g ⇒ 'g"
assumes assoc: "(a ∘ b) ∘ c == a ∘ (b ∘ c)"
dw =. 10
dw2 =. dw
hw =. 5 50
tl =. '..' ((-,+)/>.-:dw2,~{:hw) } 40 # ' '
bg0 =. hw $ a.i.'.'
bg1 =. 26 | (]+ ] = dw |. ]) hw $? (*/hw)#26
bg1 =. 65 + bg1
bg =. a. {~ bg1
el =. "_1 _
lf =. 15
tangentstorm /
Created March 24, 2018 03:08
my first rust macro
fn when(&mut self, v:VID, val:NID, nid:NID)->NID {
macro_rules! op {
[not $x:ident] => {{ let x1 = self.when(v, val, $x); self.not(x1) }};
[$f:ident $x:ident $y:ident] => {{
let x1 = self.when(v, val, $x);
let y1 = self.when(v, val, $y);
self.$f(x1,y1) }}}
if v >= self.vars.len() { nid }
else { match self[nid] {
Op::Var(x) if x==v => val,
tangentstorm / BeaconTeleport.cs
Created December 5, 2017 16:00
BeaconTeleport for unity3d / VRTK
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using VRTK;
/* This class lets you leave a beacon in the scene and teleport to it later.
* It should be attached to an object that also has a VRTK_ControllerEvents
* component attached.
tangentstorm / magic-squares.k
Created May 17, 2017 23:09
magic squares in k
msq: {[m] s:(-1+m*m) (1 -1 +)\ (_ m%2; 0); 1+/.[m#,m#0; ; :; ]'[(s+2 -1*/:,/m#/:!m)!m; !#s]}