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Created February 26, 2019 02:56
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Roadmap of Web Development

Getting Started

Operating System

What operating system your computer runs on.

  • Mac, Windows, Linux


Where you view a website.

  • Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, Internet Explorer
  • DevTools

Text editors

Where you edit a website.

  • Notepad or TextEdit
  • Notepad++, Visual Studio Code, Atom, Brackets, Sublime, Coda

The Internet

How computers communicate with each other.

  • Domains
  • Servers
  • IP Addresses
  • URLs
  • HTTP protocol

Front End


Structure: how a website is structured.

  • Syntax and Terminology: tags, elements, attributes, and attribute values
  • Concepts: block vs. inline elements
  • Formatting
  • tables, forms, lists, headings
  • Metadata


Style: how a website looks.

  • Syntax and Terminology: selectors and properties, tags, classes, ids, pseudo
  • Positioning: absolute, relative, fixed, static
  • Box model
  • Padding and margins
  • Flex, float
  • Inheritance
  • Colors, text formatting
  • CSS Animations


Interactivity: what a website can do.

  • Programming basics

System Administration


  • Dedicated servers vs. VPS

Command Line

  • Windows or UNIX-like (Mac and Linux)
  • Moving between directories
  • Creating files and directories
  • Deleting files and directories
  • Copying files and directories
  • Moving files and directories
  • Permissions

Version Control

How to maintain changes to your project.

  • Terminology: Repository, commit, push, pull, branch, merge
  • GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket

Workflow and Automation

  • Node.js
  • Gulp and Grunt
  • Webpack


  • Terminology and Concepts: Variables, nesting, mixins



Web server software.

  • Apache or nginx


A backend programming language.

  • Connecting to a database


Where data is stored.

  • MySQL

Content Management

  • Content management system: WordPress
  • Static site generators: Jekyll
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