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Created October 30, 2021 18:00
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A ERC20 Claimable smart contract to allow creator to deposit, set AllowList, Withdrawal Limits (Purely Experimental)
//SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import "hardhat/console.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
How it works?
1. You deposit your ERC20 tokens in the smart contract
2. You can add a person into the allowList
3. You can update their withdraw limit
4. Anyone can try to claim the tokens
4.1 They will be rejected if they are not in the allowList
4.2 They will be rejected if they have exceeded their withdraw limit
5. The owner can update the dameAddress
contract ERC20Interface {
function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool);
contract DameClaim is Ownable {
// have the interface address
address dameToken = 0x5337fB67d80B08344BbC31Fc3Db73798a98a8422;
// creating the interface for DameToken Transfer
ERC20Interface tokenInterface = ERC20Interface(dameToken);
// dame.eth
address dameAddress = 0x3B3525F60eeea4a1eF554df5425912c2a532875D;
// allowlist to be modified by owner only
mapping (address => bool) allowList;
// how much each address is allowed to withdraw
mapping (address => uint) withdrawLimit;
// the function that allows updating the allow list
function updateAllowList(address _address, bool _allow) public {
require(msg.sender == dameAddress, "You are not dame!");
allowList[_address] = _allow;
// this is for the deployer to update the dameAddress in case jackson wants to make someone else manager
function updateDameAddress(address _address) onlyOwner public {
dameAddress = _address;
// claim function that allows the sender to transfer ERC20 token to the specified address if they are in the allowlist
function claim(address _to, uint256 _value) public {
require(allowList[msg.sender], "You are not in the allowlist!");
// check if the value is greater than the withdraw limit
require(_value <= withdrawLimit[msg.sender], "You have exceeded your withdraw limit!");
// call the interface's transfer function
tokenInterface.transfer(msg.sender, _value);
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