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Last active July 27, 2018 18:58
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QueryStringBindable and Formatter for Option[T] ( @ Play Framework 2.x )
* Option[T]をクエリとして解決するためのバインダ(必須でないパラメータなどに利用することを想定)
* 通常のFormと同様にbindFromRequestして使う
* クエリに該当するキーが含まれていない場合にはFormの値がNoneになる
* こんなかんじ (もっときれいに書きたいけど):
* case class Query(by: Option[String])
* val qForm = Form( mapping( "by" -> of[Option[String]] )(Query.apply)(Query.unapply) )
* def list = Action { implicit rs =>
* val q = qForm.bindFromRequest.get
* match {
* case Some("id") | None => Ok("Sorted by ID!!")
* case Some("name") => Ok("Sorted by NAME!!)
* }
* }
implicit def optionBinder[T: QueryStringBindable](implicit binder: QueryStringBindable[T]) = new QueryStringBindable[Option[T]] {
def bind(key: String, params: Map[String,Seq[String]]): Option[Either[String,Option[T]]] = {
try {
params.contains(key) match {
case false => Some(Right(None))
case true => {
params(key).lastOption match {
case Some(str) => Some(Right(Some(binder.bind(key,params).get.right.get)))
case None => Some(Right(None))
} catch {
case e: IllegalArgumentException => Some(Left("Illegal Argument Exception"))
case e: Exception => Some(Left("Exception"))
def unbind(key: String, t: Option[T]): String = {
t match {
case None => ""
case Some(v) => {
implicit def optionFormatter[T](implicit formatter: Formatter[T]) = new Formatter[Option[T]] {
override val format = formatter.format
def bind(key: String, data: Map[String,String]) = {
data.contains(key) match {
case false => Right(None)
case true => formatter.bind(key,data) match {
case Right(v) => Right(Some(v))
case Left(e) => Left(e)
def unbind(key: String, value: Option[T]) = value match {
case Some(v) => formatter.unbind(key,v)
case None => Map()
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