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Created September 10, 2020 01:01
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import Foundation
struct FastRandomGenerator {
static var shared = FastRandomGenerator()
private var seed: UInt32
init() {
seed = UInt32.random(in: 1...500000000)
mutating func nextRandom() -> UInt32 {
seed ^= (seed << 13)
seed ^= (seed >> 17)
seed ^= (seed << 5)
return seed
static func generate(range: UInt32) -> UInt32 {
let rand = FastRandomGenerator.shared.nextRandom()
return UInt32((UInt64(rand) * UInt64(range)) >> 32)
extension String {
func paddedZeros(length: Int) -> String {
if count == length {
return self
return ([Character](repeating: "0", count: length - count) + Array(self)).map({ String($0) }).joined()
extension Int {
func paddedString() -> String {
var str = Array(String(self == 0 ? 0 : (1 << self))).map({ String($0) })
str = [String](repeating: " ", count: 4 - str.count) + str
return str.joined()
typealias Board = UInt64
typealias Row = UInt16
let ROW1: UInt64 = 0xFFFF000000000000
let ROW2: UInt64 = 0xFFFF00000000
let ROW3: UInt64 = 0xFFFF0000
let ROW4: UInt64 = 0xFFFF
struct Utils2048 {
var rowLeftTable: [Row]
var rowRightTable: [Row]
var scoreTable: [Double]
var winTable: [Bool]
static let shared = Utils2048()
private init() {
rowLeftTable = [Row](repeating: 0, count: 65536)
rowRightTable = [Row](repeating: 0, count: 65536)
scoreTable = [Double](repeating: 0, count: 65536)
winTable = [Bool](repeating: false, count: 65536)
mutating func initializeTables() {
print("Initializing tables...")
for row in 0..<UInt16.max {
var line = [(row & 0xF000) >> 12,
(row & 0xF00) >> 8,
(row & 0xF0) >> 4,
(row & 0xF) >> 0]
winTable[Int(row)] = line.contains(11)
let scoreValues = { v -> UInt in
let v = UInt(v)
return v == 0 ? 0 : ((1 << v) * (v - 1))
scoreTable[Int(row)] = Double(scoreValues.reduce(0, +))
var newLine: [UInt16] = [0, 0, 0, 0]
var j = 0
var previous: UInt16? = nil
for i in 0..<4 {
if line[i] != 0 {
if previous == nil {
previous = line[i]
} else {
if previous == line[i] {
newLine[j] = line[i] + 1
j += 1
previous = nil
} else {
newLine[j] = previous!
j += 1
previous = line[i]
if previous != nil {
newLine[j] = previous!
line = newLine
var row = row
var result = (line[0] << 12) | (line[1] << 8) | (line[2] << 4) | (line[3] << 0)
rowLeftTable[Int(row)] = result
Utils2048.reverse(row: &result)
Utils2048.reverse(row: &row)
rowRightTable[Int(row)] = result
static func reverse(row: inout Row) {
row = (row >> 12) | ((row >> 4) & 0x00F0) | ((row << 4) & 0x0F00) | (row << 12)
static func line(row: Row) -> [Row] {
let line = [(row & 0xF000) >> 12,
(row & 0xF00) >> 8,
(row & 0xF0) >> 4,
(row & 0xF) >> 0]
return line
static func row(line: [UInt16]) -> Row {
return (line[0] << 12) | (line[1] << 8) | (line[2] << 4) | (line[3] << 0)
static func rows(board: Board) -> [Row] {
let rows = [
Row(board >> 48),
Row((board >> 32) & 0xFFFF),
Row((board >> 16) & 0xFFFF),
Row((board >> 0) & 0xFFFF)
return rows
static func lines(board: Board) -> [[Row]] {
let lines = rows(board: board).map({ line(row: $0) })
return lines
static func transpose(board x: inout Board) {
let a1 = x & 0xF0F00F0FF0F00F0F
let a2 = x & 0x0000F0F00000F0F0
let a3 = x & 0x0F0F00000F0F0000
let a = a1 | (a2 << 12) | (a3 >> 12)
let b1 = a & 0xFF00FF0000FF00FF
let b2 = a & 0x00FF00FF00000000
let b3 = a & 0x00000000FF00FF00
x = b1 | (b2 >> 24) | (b3 << 24)
static func emptyTiles(board x: Board) -> Int {
var x = x
x |= (x >> 2) & 0x3333333333333333
x |= (x >> 1)
x = ~x & 0x1111111111111111
x += x >> 32
x += x >> 16
x += x >> 8
x += x >> 4
return Int(x & 0xf)
static func insertRandomTile(board: Board, _ tiles: Int) -> Board {
let chosenTile = FastRandomGenerator.generate(range: UInt32(tiles))
var t: UInt32 = 0
var offset: UInt32 = 0
var temp = board
while temp != 0 {
if temp & 0xF == 0 {
if t == chosenTile {
t += 1
temp >>= 4
offset += 4
if t != chosenTile {
offset += (chosenTile - t) << 2
var insert = 1
if FastRandomGenerator.shared.nextRandom() < 429496729 {
insert = 2
return board | Board(insert << offset)
static func canMoveLeft(board: Board) -> Bool {
var row = Int((board >> 0) & 0xFFFF)
if row != Utils2048.shared.rowLeftTable[row] {
return true
row = Int((board >> 16) & 0xFFFF)
if row != Utils2048.shared.rowLeftTable[row] {
return true
row = Int((board >> 32) & 0xFFFF)
if row != Utils2048.shared.rowLeftTable[row] {
return true
row = Int((board >> 48) & 0xFFFF)
if row != Utils2048.shared.rowLeftTable[row] {
return true
return false
static func canMoveRight(board: Board) -> Bool {
var row = Int((board >> 0) & 0xFFFF)
if row != Utils2048.shared.rowRightTable[row] {
return true
row = Int((board >> 16) & 0xFFFF)
if row != Utils2048.shared.rowRightTable[row] {
return true
row = Int((board >> 32) & 0xFFFF)
if row != Utils2048.shared.rowRightTable[row] {
return true
row = Int((board >> 48) & 0xFFFF)
if row != Utils2048.shared.rowRightTable[row] {
return true
return false
static func canMoveUp(board: Board) -> Bool {
var board = board
transpose(board: &board)
return canMoveLeft(board: board)
static func canMoveDown(board: Board) -> Bool {
var board = board
transpose(board: &board)
return canMoveRight(board: board)
static func gameWon(board: Board) -> Bool {
Utils2048.shared.winTable[Int((board >> 0) & 0xFFFF)] ||
Utils2048.shared.winTable[Int((board >> 16) & 0xFFFF)] ||
Utils2048.shared.winTable[Int((board >> 32) & 0xFFFF)] ||
Utils2048.shared.winTable[Int((board >> 48) & 0xFFFF)]
static func printBoard(board: Board) {
let board = lines(board: board)
for r in 0..<4 {
for c in 0..<4 {
let powerVal = board[r][c]
print(powerVal == 0 ? 0 : (1 << powerVal), terminator: "|")
struct Game2048 {
var board: Board
var score: Double {
Utils2048.shared.scoreTable[Int((board >> 0) & 0xFFFF)] +
Utils2048.shared.scoreTable[Int((board >> 16) & 0xFFFF)] +
Utils2048.shared.scoreTable[Int((board >> 32) & 0xFFFF)] +
Utils2048.shared.scoreTable[Int((board >> 48) & 0xFFFF)]
var gameWon: Bool {
return Utils2048.gameWon(board: board)
var gameOver: Bool {
if gameWon {
return true
if Utils2048.emptyTiles(board: board) == 0 {
if Utils2048.canMoveLeft(board: board) {
return false
} else if Utils2048.canMoveRight(board: board) {
return false
} else if Utils2048.canMoveUp(board: board) {
return false
} else if Utils2048.canMoveDown(board: board) {
return false
return true
return false
enum Direction {
case up, down, left, right
var string: String {
switch self {
case .up:
return "up"
case .down:
return "down"
case .left:
return "left"
case .right:
return "right"
private mutating func moveHorizontal(lookup: [Row]) {
let row1 = Board(lookup[Int((board & ROW1) >> 48)])
let row2 = Board(lookup[Int((board & ROW2) >> 32)])
let row3 = Board(lookup[Int((board & ROW3) >> 16)])
let row4 = Board(lookup[Int((board & ROW4) >> 0)])
board = (row1 << 48) | (row2 << 32) | (row3 << 16) | (row4 << 0)
private mutating func moveVertical(lookup: [Row]) {
Utils2048.transpose(board: &board)
moveHorizontal(lookup: lookup)
Utils2048.transpose(board: &board)
mutating func moveLeft() {
moveHorizontal(lookup: Utils2048.shared.rowLeftTable)
mutating func moveRight() {
moveHorizontal(lookup: Utils2048.shared.rowRightTable)
mutating func moveUp() {
moveVertical(lookup: Utils2048.shared.rowLeftTable)
mutating func moveDown() {
moveVertical(lookup: Utils2048.shared.rowRightTable)
mutating func move(direction: Direction) {
switch direction {
case .up:
case .down:
case .left:
case .right:
mutating func play(direction: Direction) {
move(direction: direction)
board = Utils2048.insertRandomTile(board: board, Utils2048.emptyTiles(board: board))
func print() {
let board = Utils2048.lines(board: self.board).map({ ${ Int($0) }) })
var temp = ""
temp += [String](repeating: "-", count: "| | | | |".count).joined()
temp += "\n"
temp += "|\(board[0][0].paddedString())|\(board[0][1].paddedString())|\(board[0][2].paddedString())|\(board[0][3].paddedString())|"
temp += "\n"
temp += [String](repeating: "-", count: "| | | | |".count).joined()
temp += "\n"
temp += "|\(board[1][0].paddedString())|\(board[1][1].paddedString())|\(board[1][2].paddedString())|\(board[1][3].paddedString())|"
temp += "\n"
temp += [String](repeating: "-", count: "| | | | |".count).joined()
temp += "\n"
temp += "|\(board[2][0].paddedString())|\(board[2][1].paddedString())|\(board[2][2].paddedString())|\(board[2][3].paddedString())|"
temp += "\n"
temp += [String](repeating: "-", count: "| | | | |".count).joined()
temp += "\n"
temp += "|\(board[3][0].paddedString())|\(board[3][1].paddedString())|\(board[3][2].paddedString())|\(board[3][3].paddedString())|"
temp += "\n"
temp += [String](repeating: "-", count: "| | | | |".count).joined()
temp += "\n"
func copy() -> Game2048 {
return Game2048(board: board)
extension Game2048 {
init() {
board = Utils2048.insertRandomTile(board: Utils2048.insertRandomTile(board: 0, 16), 15)
init(board: [[Int]]) {
let str = board.flatMap({ $0 }).map({ $0 == 0 ? "0000" : String(Int(log(Float($0)) / log(2)), radix: 2).paddedZeros(length: 4) }).joined()
self.board = Board(str, radix: 2)!
let directionsMap: [Game2048.Direction] = [
func monteCarloSearch(state: Game2048) -> Game2048.Direction {
func performRollout(state: Game2048, direction: Game2048.Direction) -> Double {
var newState = state.copy() // Copy the initial state. direction) // Move in the direction to be scored.
while !newState.gameOver { // Repeat until game is over.
let left = Utils2048.canMoveLeft(board: newState.board) ? 1 : 0
let right = Utils2048.canMoveRight(board: newState.board) ? 1 : 0
let up = Utils2048.canMoveUp(board: newState.board) ? 1 : 0
let down = Utils2048.canMoveDown(board: newState.board) ? 1 : 0
let valids = left + right + up + down
let chosen = Int(FastRandomGenerator.generate(range: UInt32(valids)))
var t = 0
if left != 0 {
if t == chosen { .left)
} else {
t += 1
if right != 0 {
if t == chosen { .right)
} else {
t += 1
if up != 0 {
if t == chosen { .up)
} else {
t += 1
if down != 0 {
if t == chosen { .down)
return newState.score
let left = Utils2048.canMoveLeft(board: state.board) ? 1 : 0
let right = Utils2048.canMoveRight(board: state.board) ? 1 : 0
let up = Utils2048.canMoveUp(board: state.board) ? 1 : 0
let down = Utils2048.canMoveDown(board: state.board) ? 1 : 0
let total = left + right + up + down
if total == 1 {
if left != 0 {
return .left
} else if right != 0 {
return .right
} else if up != 0 {
return .up
} else if down != 0 {
return .down
let maxTime: Double = 1 / 9600
var scoreUp = 0.0
var scoreDown = 0.0
var scoreLeft = 0.0
var scoreRight = 0.0
DispatchQueue.concurrentPerform(iterations: 4) { dirIndex in
let direction: Game2048.Direction
switch dirIndex {
case 0:
if left == 0 {
direction = .left
case 1:
if right == 0 {
direction = .right
case 2:
if up == 0 {
direction = .up
case 3:
if down == 0 {
direction = .down
var totalScore: Double = 0
var rollouts = 0
let timeBarrier = + maxTime
repeat {
rollouts += 1
let score = performRollout(state: state, direction: direction)
totalScore += score
} while <= timeBarrier
let avgScore = totalScore / Double(rollouts)
switch direction {
case .up:
scoreUp = avgScore
case .down:
scoreDown = avgScore
case .left:
scoreLeft = avgScore
case .right:
scoreRight = avgScore
var max = scoreUp
var best = Game2048.Direction.up
if scoreDown > max {
max = scoreDown
best = .down
if scoreLeft > max {
max = scoreLeft
best = .left
if scoreRight > max {
max = scoreRight
best = .right
return best
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