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Created October 18, 2015 09:25
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scala perf for Julia micro benchmarks
import scala.util._
import breeze.linalg._
import breeze.numerics._
import breeze.stats._
import breeze.math._
object PerfBreeze {
final val NITER = 5
// print results appropriately. times are in milliseconds
def print_perf(name:String, t:Double) = {
printf("Scala,%s,%.9f\n", name, t/1e6)
// time fib
def fib(n:Int):Int = {
def fib_tail(n: Int, a:Int, b:Int): Int = n match {
case 0 => a
case _ => fib_tail(n-1, b, a+b)
fib_tail(n, 0, 1)
def time_fib() = {
assert(fib(20) == 6765)
var tmin = Long.MaxValue
var f = 0
for(i <- 1 to NITER) {
val t1 = System.nanoTime()
for(j <- 1 to 1000) {
f += fib(20)
val t = System.nanoTime() - t1
if(t < tmin) tmin = t
tmin / 1000.0
// time parseint
def time_parseint() = {
val generator = scala.util.Random
var tmin = Long.MaxValue
for(i <- 1 to NITER) {
val t1 = System.nanoTime()
for(j <- 1 to 1000) {
val rand = generator.nextInt()
val rands = rand.toString
val parsed = rands.toInt
assert(rand == parsed)
val t = System.nanoTime() - t1
if(t < tmin) tmin = t
tmin / 1000.0
// time mandel
def mandel(zin:Complex):Int = {
val c = zin
var z = zin
val maxiter = 80
for(n <- 0 to maxiter) {
if(z.abs > 2) return n
z = c + (z * z)
def mandelperf() = {
var mandel_sum = 0
for(re <- -20 to 5) {
for(im <- -10 to 10) {
val m = mandel(re/10.0 + i * im/10.0)
mandel_sum += m
def time_mandel() = {
var mandel_sum = 0
var mandel_sum2 = 0
var tmin = Long.MaxValue
for(i <- 1 to NITER) {
val t1 = System.nanoTime()
for(j <- 1 to 100) {
mandel_sum = mandelperf()
mandel_sum2 += mandel_sum
val t = System.nanoTime() - t1
if(t < tmin) tmin = t
assert(mandel_sum == 14791)
assert(mandel_sum2 == mandel_sum * 100 * NITER)
tmin / 100.0
// time quicksort
def time_quicksort() = {
var tmin = Long.MaxValue
for(i <- 1 to NITER) {
val t1 = System.nanoTime()
for(j <- 1 to 1000) {
val A = randomInt(5000, (1, Int.MaxValue))
val t = System.nanoTime() - t1
if(t < tmin) tmin = t
tmin / 1000.0
// time pisum
def pisum() = {
var sum = 0.0
for(j <- 1 to 500) {
sum = 0.0
for(k <- 1 to 10000) {
sum += 1.0/(k*k)
def time_pisum() = {
var tmin = Long.MaxValue
var pi = 0:Double
for(i <- 1 to NITER) {
val t1 = System.nanoTime()
pi = pisum()
val t = System.nanoTime() - t1
if(t < tmin) tmin = t
assert(abs(pi-1.644834071848065) < 1e-12)
// time printfd
def printfd(n:Int) = {
var stream = None: Option[PrintStream]
try {
stream = Some(new PrintStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("/dev/null"))))
val valid_stream = stream.get
for (i <- 1 to n) {
valid_stream.printf(i + " " + i)
} catch {
case e: Exception => println("Exception caught: " + e)
} finally {
if(stream.isDefined) stream.get.close()
def time_printfd() = {
var tmin = Long.MaxValue
for(i <- 1 to NITER) {
val t1 = System.nanoTime()
val t = System.nanoTime() - t1
if(t < tmin) tmin = t
// random matrix statistics
def randmatstat(t:Int):(Double,Double) = {
val n = 5
val v = DenseVector.zeros[Double](t)
val w = DenseVector.zeros[Double](t)
val g = breeze.stats.distributions.Gaussian(0, 1)
for(i <- 0 to t-1) {
val a = DenseMatrix.rand(n, n, g)
val b = DenseMatrix.rand(n, n, g)
val c = DenseMatrix.rand(n, n, g)
val d = DenseMatrix.rand(n, n, g)
val P = DenseMatrix.horzcat(a, b, c, d)
val Q = DenseMatrix.vertcat(DenseMatrix.horzcat(a, b), DenseMatrix.horzcat(c, d))
val V = P.t * P
val W = Q.t * Q
v(i) = trace(V * V * V * V)
w(i) = trace(W * W * W * W)
(stddev(v)/mean(v), stddev(w)/mean(w))
def time_randmatstat() = {
var tmin = Long.MaxValue
for(i <- 1 to NITER) {
val t1 = System.nanoTime()
val (s1, s2) = randmatstat(1000)
val t = System.nanoTime() - t1
assert(0.5 < s1 && s1 < 1.0 && 0.5 < s2 && s2 < 1.0)
if(t < tmin) tmin = t
// random matrix multiplication
def randmatmul(t:Int):DenseMatrix[Double] = {
val m1 = randomDouble(t, t)
val m2 = randomDouble(t, t)
m1 * m2
def time_randmatmul() = {
var tmin = Long.MaxValue
for(i <- 1 to NITER) {
val t1 = System.nanoTime()
val m = randmatmul(1000)
val t = System.nanoTime() - t1
assert(0 <= m(0,0))
if(t < tmin) tmin = t
def main(args: Array[String]) = {
print_perf("fib", time_fib())
print_perf("parse_int", time_parseint())
print_perf("mandel", time_mandel())
print_perf("quicksort", time_quicksort())
print_perf("pi_sum", time_pisum())
print_perf("rand_mat_stat", time_randmatstat())
print_perf("rand_mat_mul", time_randmatmul())
print_perf("printfd", time_printfd())
import scala.math._
import scala.util._
// Bare minimum ScalaComplex class required for mandel
class ScalaComplex(val re:Double, val im:Double) {
def +(c:ScalaComplex) = new ScalaComplex(re +, im +
def abs() = sqrt(re*re + im*im)
def *(c:ScalaComplex) = new ScalaComplex(re**, re**
object PerfPure {
final val NITER = 5
// print results appropriately. times are in milliseconds
def print_perf(name:String, t:Double) = {
printf("ScalaPure,%s,%.9f\n", name, t/1e6)
// create a random array
def randarray(n:Int):Array[Int] = {
val generator = scala.util.Random
val a = new Array[Int](n)
for(i <- 0 to n-1) {
a(i) = generator.nextInt()
// time fib
def fib(n:Int):Int = {
def fib_tail(n: Int, a:Int, b:Int): Int = n match {
case 0 => a
case _ => fib_tail(n-1, b, a+b)
fib_tail(n, 0, 1)
def time_fib() = {
assert(fib(20) == 6765)
var tmin = Long.MaxValue
var f = 0
for(i <- 1 to NITER) {
val t1 = System.nanoTime()
for(j <- 1 to 1000) {
f += fib(20)
val t = System.nanoTime() - t1
if(t < tmin) tmin = t
tmin / 1000.0
// time parseint
def time_parseint() = {
val generator = scala.util.Random
var tmin = Long.MaxValue
for(i <- 1 to NITER) {
val t1 = System.nanoTime()
for(j <- 1 to 1000) {
val rand = generator.nextInt()
val rands = rand.toString
val parsed = rands.toInt
assert(rand == parsed)
val t = System.nanoTime() - t1
if(t < tmin) tmin = t
tmin / 1000.0
// time mandel
def mandel(zin:ScalaComplex):Int = {
val c = zin
var z = zin
val maxiter = 80
for(n <- 0 to maxiter) {
if(z.abs() > 2) return n
z = c + (z * z)
def mandelperf() = {
var mandel_sum = 0
for(re <- -20 to 5) {
for(im <- -10 to 10) {
val m = mandel(new ScalaComplex(re/10.0, im/10.0))
mandel_sum += m
def time_mandel() = {
var mandel_sum = 0
var mandel_sum2 = 0
var tmin = Long.MaxValue
for(i <- 1 to NITER) {
val t1 = System.nanoTime()
for(j <- 1 to 100) {
mandel_sum = mandelperf()
mandel_sum2 += mandel_sum
val t = System.nanoTime() - t1
if(t < tmin) tmin = t
assert(mandel_sum == 14791)
assert(mandel_sum2 == mandel_sum * 100 * NITER)
tmin / 100.0
// time quicksort
def time_quicksort() = {
var tmin = Long.MaxValue
for(i <- 1 to NITER) {
val t1 = System.nanoTime()
for(j <- 1 to 1000) {
val A = randarray(5000)
val t = System.nanoTime() - t1
if(t < tmin) tmin = t
tmin / 1000.0
// time pisum
def pisum() = {
var sum = 0.0
for(j <- 1 to 500) {
sum = 0.0
for(k <- 1 to 10000) {
sum += 1.0/(k*k)
def time_pisum() = {
var tmin = Long.MaxValue
var pi = 0:Double
for(i <- 1 to NITER) {
val t1 = System.nanoTime()
pi = pisum()
val t = System.nanoTime() - t1
if(t < tmin) tmin = t
assert(abs(pi-1.644834071848065) < 1e-12)
// time printfd
def printfd(n:Int) = {
var stream = None: Option[PrintStream]
try {
stream = Some(new PrintStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("/dev/null"))))
val valid_stream = stream.get
for (i <- 1 to n) {
valid_stream.printf(i + " " + i)
} catch {
case e: Exception => println("Exception caught: " + e)
} finally {
if(stream.isDefined) stream.get.close()
def time_printfd() = {
var tmin = Long.MaxValue
for(i <- 1 to NITER) {
val t1 = System.nanoTime()
val t = System.nanoTime() - t1
if(t < tmin) tmin = t
def main(args: Array[String]) = {
print_perf("fib", time_fib())
print_perf("parse_int", time_parseint())
print_perf("mandel", time_mandel())
print_perf("quicksort", time_quicksort())
print_perf("pi_sum", time_pisum())
print_perf("printfd", time_printfd())
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