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Created December 2, 2012 15:38
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OpenCV Motion Detection Based Action Trigger
* motion_detect.cpp
* To accompany instructions at:
* Created on: Dec 02, 2012
* Author: tan
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <libconfig.h>
#include <opencv/cv.h>
#include <opencv/highgui.h>
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
const char *PROG_NAME;
const char *WINDOW_NAME = "Motion Detect";
IplImage *img_read, *img_smooth, *img_color, *img_diff, *img_temp, *img_edge_color;
IplImage *img_work, *img_gray, *img_edge_gray, *img_contour, *img_moving_avg;
CvCapture *inp_device;
CvMemStorage *mem_store;
CvSize sz_of_img;
int depth_of_img, channels_of_img;
int param_display_stage = 7;
int param_moving_avg_wt = 2;
int param_detect_threshold = 20;
int param_min_obj_size = 2;
int param_dilation_amt = 30;
int param_erosion_amt = 10;
int param_brightness_factor = 50;
int param_contrast_factor = 0;
const char *param_command_on_motion;
bool param_is_file_mode = false;
int param_proc_delay = 1000;
const int MAX_PROC_DELAY = 1000;
const int MIN_PROC_DELAY = 100;
* save and load settings
void save_settings() {
config_t config;
config_setting_t *cfg_root = config_root_setting(&config);
config_setting_set_int(config_setting_add(cfg_root, "display_stage", CONFIG_TYPE_INT), param_display_stage);
config_setting_set_int(config_setting_add(cfg_root, "moving_avg_wt", CONFIG_TYPE_INT), param_moving_avg_wt);
config_setting_set_int(config_setting_add(cfg_root, "detect_threshold", CONFIG_TYPE_INT), param_detect_threshold);
config_setting_set_int(config_setting_add(cfg_root, "min_obj_size", CONFIG_TYPE_INT), param_min_obj_size);
config_setting_set_int(config_setting_add(cfg_root, "dilation_amt", CONFIG_TYPE_INT), param_dilation_amt);
config_setting_set_int(config_setting_add(cfg_root, "erosion_amt", CONFIG_TYPE_INT), param_erosion_amt);
config_setting_set_int(config_setting_add(cfg_root, "brightness_factor", CONFIG_TYPE_INT), param_brightness_factor);
config_setting_set_int(config_setting_add(cfg_root, "contrast_factor", CONFIG_TYPE_INT), param_contrast_factor);
config_setting_set_string(config_setting_add(cfg_root, "command_on_motion", CONFIG_TYPE_STRING), param_command_on_motion);
config_write_file(&config, "motion_detect.cfg");
void load_settings() {
config_t config;
if(CONFIG_TRUE != config_read_file(&config, "motion_detect.cfg")) return;
config_setting_t *cfg_root = config_root_setting(&config);
param_display_stage = config_setting_get_int(config_setting_get_member(cfg_root, "display_stage"));
param_moving_avg_wt = config_setting_get_int(config_setting_get_member(cfg_root, "moving_avg_wt"));
param_detect_threshold = config_setting_get_int(config_setting_get_member(cfg_root, "detect_threshold"));
param_min_obj_size = config_setting_get_int(config_setting_get_member(cfg_root, "min_obj_size"));
param_dilation_amt = config_setting_get_int(config_setting_get_member(cfg_root, "dilation_amt"));
param_erosion_amt = config_setting_get_int(config_setting_get_member(cfg_root, "erosion_amt"));
param_brightness_factor = config_setting_get_int(config_setting_get_member(cfg_root, "brightness_factor"));
param_contrast_factor = config_setting_get_int(config_setting_get_member(cfg_root, "contrast_factor"));
config_setting_t *on_motion_setting = config_setting_get_member(cfg_root, "command_on_motion");
if(NULL != on_motion_setting) param_command_on_motion = config_setting_get_string(on_motion_setting);
else param_command_on_motion = NULL;
if(NULL == param_command_on_motion) param_command_on_motion = "echo \"Motion detected!\"; sleep 10;";
else param_command_on_motion = strdup(param_command_on_motion); // make a copy so that we can destroy the config structure
* print program usage and exit if instructed to
void print_usage(int do_exit) {
printf("Usage %s [cam <camera #> | file <video file>] [act]\n", PROG_NAME);
if(do_exit) exit(1);
* print what optimization libraries are available
void print_lib_version() {
const char* libraries;
const char* modules;
cvGetModuleInfo(NULL, &libraries, &modules);
printf("Libraries: %s\nModules: %s\n", libraries, modules);
* limit max size of image to be processed to 800x600
void get_approp_size(CvCapture *input, CvSize &img_size, int &img_depth, int &img_channels) {
IplImage *img = cvQueryFrame(input);
CvSize ori_size = cvGetSize(img);
img_depth = img->depth;
img_channels = img->nChannels;
printf("Frame size: %d x %d\nDepth: %d\nChannels: %d\n", ori_size.width, ori_size.height, img_depth, img_channels);
float div_frac_h = 600.0/((float)ori_size.height);
float div_frac_w = 800.0/((float)ori_size.width);
float div_frac = div_frac_w < div_frac_h ? div_frac_w : div_frac_h;
if(div_frac > 1) div_frac = 1;
img_size.height = ori_size.height * div_frac;
img_size.width = ori_size.width * div_frac;
* create capture input either from file or camera
CvCapture *capture_input(int argc, char **argv) {
PROG_NAME = argv[0];
if (argc < 2) print_usage(1);
CvCapture *input;
if(0 == strcasecmp("file", argv[1])) {
input = cvCreateFileCapture(argv[2]);
param_is_file_mode = true;
} else if(0 == strcasecmp("cam", argv[1])) {
input = cvCreateCameraCapture(atoi(argv[2]));
else {
if (!input) {
printf("Can't open %s %s\n", argv[1], argv[2]);
return input;
* init and destroy globals
void init(bool is_silent_mode) {
if(!is_silent_mode) {
cvNamedWindow(WINDOW_NAME, CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); //Create a new window.
cvCreateTrackbar("Process Stage", WINDOW_NAME, &param_display_stage, 7, NULL);
cvCreateTrackbar("Moving Avg Wt", WINDOW_NAME, &param_moving_avg_wt, 50, NULL);
cvCreateTrackbar("Threshold", WINDOW_NAME, &param_detect_threshold, 100, NULL);
cvCreateTrackbar("Min Object Size", WINDOW_NAME, &param_min_obj_size, 25, NULL);
cvCreateTrackbar("Dilation", WINDOW_NAME, &param_dilation_amt, 50, NULL);
cvCreateTrackbar("Erosion", WINDOW_NAME, &param_erosion_amt, 50, NULL);
cvCreateTrackbar("Brightness", WINDOW_NAME, &param_brightness_factor, 100, NULL);
cvCreateTrackbar("Contrast", WINDOW_NAME, &param_contrast_factor, 10, NULL);
img_work = cvCreateImage(sz_of_img, depth_of_img, channels_of_img);
img_color = cvCreateImage(sz_of_img, depth_of_img, channels_of_img);
img_diff = cvCreateImage(sz_of_img, depth_of_img, channels_of_img);
img_temp = cvCreateImage(sz_of_img, depth_of_img, channels_of_img);
img_edge_color = cvCreateImage(sz_of_img, depth_of_img, channels_of_img);
img_smooth = cvCreateImage(sz_of_img, depth_of_img, channels_of_img);
img_gray = cvCreateImage(sz_of_img, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
img_edge_gray = cvCreateImage(sz_of_img, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
img_contour = cvCreateImage(sz_of_img, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
img_moving_avg = cvCreateImage(sz_of_img, IPL_DEPTH_32F, 3);
mem_store = cvCreateMemStorage(0);
void destroy(bool is_silent_mode) {
if(!is_silent_mode) cvDestroyWindow(WINDOW_NAME);
* display the frames in a window
char display_frame(bool motion_detected) {
if(motion_detected) param_proc_delay = MIN_PROC_DELAY;
else if(param_proc_delay < MAX_PROC_DELAY) param_proc_delay += 10;
if(1 == param_display_stage) cvShowImage(WINDOW_NAME, img_color);
else if((0 == param_display_stage) || (6 == param_display_stage) || (7 == param_display_stage)) {
cvShowImage(WINDOW_NAME, img_work);
else if(2 == param_display_stage) cvShowImage(WINDOW_NAME, img_edge_gray);
else if(3 == param_display_stage) cvShowImage(WINDOW_NAME, img_diff);
else if(4 == param_display_stage) cvShowImage(WINDOW_NAME, img_gray);
else if(5 == param_display_stage) cvShowImage(WINDOW_NAME, img_contour);
// break if escape was pressed
return cvWaitKey(param_is_file_mode ? 10 : param_proc_delay);
* main loop
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
inp_device = capture_input(argc, argv);
bool is_action_mode = ((argc > 3) && (0 == strcmp(argv[3], "act")));
get_approp_size(inp_device, sz_of_img, depth_of_img, channels_of_img);
bool first = true;
img_read = NULL;
for (img_read = cvQueryFrame(inp_device); img_read; img_read = cvQueryFrame(inp_device)) {
// resize image to a size we can work with
cvResize(img_read, img_work);
// smoothen the image
// cvSmooth(img_work, img_smooth, CV_GAUSSIAN, 7);
cvSmooth(img_work, img_smooth, CV_BILATERAL, 5, 5, 30, 30);
// increase contrast and adjust brightness
cvAddWeighted(img_smooth, 1, img_smooth, 1, param_brightness_factor-50, img_color);
// increase contrast further if specified
for(int contrast_idx = 0; contrast_idx < param_contrast_factor; contrast_idx++) {
cvAddWeighted(img_color, 1, img_color, 1, 0, img_color);
cvLaplace(img_color, img_edge_color, 3);
cvCvtColor(img_edge_color, img_edge_gray, CV_RGB2GRAY);
cvThreshold(img_edge_gray, img_edge_gray, 25+param_detect_threshold, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY);
cvCvtColor(img_edge_gray, img_edge_color, CV_GRAY2RGB);
cvAdd(img_edge_color, img_color, img_color, NULL);
if (first) {
cvConvertScale(img_color, img_moving_avg, 1.0, 0.0);
first = false;
else {
cvRunningAvg(img_color, img_moving_avg, ((float)param_moving_avg_wt)/100.0, NULL);
cvConvertScale(img_moving_avg, img_temp, 1.0, 0); // convert the moving avg to a format usable for diff
cvAbsDiff(img_color, img_temp, img_diff); // subtract current from moving average.
cvCvtColor(img_diff, img_gray, CV_RGB2GRAY); // convert image to gray
cvThreshold(img_gray, img_gray, 25+param_detect_threshold, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY); // convert image to black and white
//cvThreshold(greyImage, greyImage, 70, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY); //Convert the image to black and white.
//cvAdaptiveThreshold(img_gray, img_gray, 255, CV_ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C, CV_THRESH_BINARY, 11, 0);
// dilate and erode to reduce noise and join irregular blobs
cvErode(img_gray, img_gray, 0, 2); // erode to remove noise
cvDilate(img_gray, img_gray, 0, param_dilation_amt+2); // dilate to join and fill blobs
cvErode(img_gray, img_gray, 0, param_erosion_amt); // erode again to get some of the original proportion back
cvConvertScale(img_gray, img_contour, 1.0, 0.0); // copy image to the contour image for contour detection
// find the contours of the moving images in the frame.
CvSeq* contour = 0;
cvFindContours(img_contour, mem_store, &contour, sizeof(CvContour), CV_RETR_CCOMP, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);
// process each moving contour in the current frame...
bool motion_detected = false;
for (; contour != 0; contour = contour->h_next) {
CvRect bnd_rect = cvBoundingRect(contour, 0); // get a bounding rect around the moving object.
// discard objects smaller than our expected object size
int obj_size_pct = bnd_rect.width * bnd_rect.height * 100 / (sz_of_img.height * sz_of_img.width);
if (obj_size_pct < param_min_obj_size) continue;
// either draw the contours or motion detection marker
if(6 == param_display_stage) {
cvDrawContours(img_work, contour, CV_RGB(0,255,0), CV_RGB(0,255,0), 3, CV_FILLED);
else if(7 == param_display_stage) {
CvPoint center;
center.x = bnd_rect.x + bnd_rect.width/2;
center.y = bnd_rect.y + bnd_rect.height/2;
int rad = (bnd_rect.width < bnd_rect.height ? bnd_rect.width : bnd_rect.height)/2;
while (rad > 0) {
cvCircle(img_work, center, rad, CV_RGB(153,204,50), 1, CV_AA);
rad -= 8;
motion_detected = true;
if(is_action_mode) {
if(motion_detected) {
inp_device = capture_input(argc, argv);
else {
char c = display_frame(motion_detected);
if(27 == c) break;
else if('s' == c) save_settings();
else if('r' == c) load_settings();
return 0;
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