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Last active November 12, 2021 12:38
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Check for compromised versions of npm packages 'rc' and 'coa'
echo "Searching for rc packages..."
matches=$(find / -type d -path "*/node_modules/rc" 2>/dev/null)
echo -e "Checking for compromised versions...\\n"
for match in $matches
egrep 'version\":\s*\"((1.2.9)|(1.3.9)|(2.3.9))' "$match/package.json" && echo -e $match\\n
echo "Searching for coa packages..."
matches=$(find / -type d -path "*/node_modules/coa" 2>/dev/null)
echo -e "Checking for compromised versions...\\n"
for match in $matches
egrep 'version\":\s*\"((2.0.3)|(2.0.4)|(2.1.1)|(2.1.3)|(3.0.1)|(3.1.3))' "$match/package.json" && echo -e $match\\n
echo "Searching for ua-parser-js packages..."
matches=$(find / -type d -path "*/node_modules/ua-parser-js" 2>/dev/null)
echo -e "Checking for compromised versions...\\n"
for match in $matches
egrep 'version\":\s*\"((0.7.29)|(0.8.0)|(1.0.0))' "$match/package.json" && echo -e $match\\n
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tannerli commented Nov 9, 2021

@nooitaf yes, absolutely. I included your addition, thank you!

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TheSoeren commented Nov 9, 2021

Here is a powershell version of it:

$drives = Get-PSDrive -PSProvider 'FileSystem'

$rcMatcher = "*\node_modules\rc\package.json"
$coaMatcher = "*\node_modules\coa\package.json"
$uaParserJsMatcher = "*\node_modules\ua-parser-js\package.json"

$rcMatches = @()
$coaMatches = @()
$uaParserJsMatches = @()

foreach ($d in $drives) {
    Write-Host "Searching for rc, coa and ua-parser-js packages..."
    $fileMatches = Get-ChildItem ${$d}\ -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | where {
        $_.fullname -like $rcMatcher -or
        $_.fullname -like $coaMatcher -or
        $_.fullname -like $uaParserJsMatcher

    Write-Host "Checking for compromised versions in rc, coa and ua-parser-js packages..."
    foreach ($f in $fileMatches) {
        if ($f.fullname -like $rcMatcher) {
            $rcMatches += $f | Select-String -Pattern 'version\":\s*\"((1.2.9)|(1.3.9)|(2.3.9))'
        } elseif ($f.fullname -like $coaMatcher) {
            $coaMatches += $f | Select-String -Pattern 'version\":\s*\"((2.0.3)|(2.0.4)|(2.1.1)|(2.1.3)|(3.0.1)|(3.1.3))'
        } elseif ($f.fullname -like $uaParserJsMatcher) {
            $uaParserJsMatches += $f | Select-String -Pattern 'version\":\s*\"((0.7.29)|(0.8.0)|(1.0.0))'

    Write-Host "`nFound" $rcMatches.count "compromised rc packages:"
    foreach ($match in $rcMatches) {
        Write-Host $match -ForegroundColor red

    Write-Host "`nFound" $coaMatches.count "compromised coa packages:"
    foreach ($match in $coaMatches) {
        Write-Host $match -ForegroundColor red

    Write-Host "`nFound" $uaParserJsMatches.count "compromised ua-parser-js packages:"
    foreach ($match in $uaParserJsMatches) {
        Write-Host $match -ForegroundColor red

execution: powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File check_compromised.ps1

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kagahd commented Nov 12, 2021

It seems that the above script is not able to search paths containing spaces. To fix it, I used the following script:


pkg=("rc" "coa" "ua-parser-js")
vrs=("((1.2.9)|(1.3.9)|(2.3.9))" "((2.0.3)|(2.0.4)|(2.1.1)|(2.1.3)|(3.0.1)|(3.1.3))" "((0.7.29)|(0.8.0)|(1.0.0))")

for i in {0..3}
 find / -path "*/node_modules/${pkg[$i]}/*" -name "package.json" 2>/dev/null | sed 's/ /\\ /g' | xargs egrep "version\":\s*\"${vrs[$i]}"

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