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Created August 28, 2020 23:45
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useGlobalMemo is a React hook that lets you share memoizations across an entire app using a unique key.
const cache = {}
export default function useGlobalMemo (key, fn, deps) {
if (!cache[key]) {
cache[key] = {
subs: 0,
value: fn(),
} else {
const oldDeps = cache[key].deps
if (oldDeps.length !== deps || oldDeps.some((d, i) => deps[i] !== d)) {
cache[key] = {
value: fn()
React.useEffect(() => {
cache[key].subs += 1
return () => {
cache[key].subs -= 1
if (!cache[key].subs) {
delete cache[key]
}, [])
return cache[key].value
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@14, should that be oldDeps.length !== deps.length?

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Yep lol

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AjaxSolutions commented Aug 29, 2020

Looks good! Is this code by any chance mimicked after the Recoil library? I think they have something similar.

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a-eid commented Oct 14, 2020

what are the use cases for a useGlobalMemo ?

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a-eid commented Oct 15, 2020

there is a possible issue with deps, it would probably be better to replace deps with a revision or a version key ( string | number ).

the hook could also return a method to reset the cached method as well.

  const { value: fn, changeCachedValue } = useGlobalMemo('key',() => veryExpensiveFunction(0), 0);
  changeCachedValue(() => veryExpensiveFunction(1));

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