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Last active January 23, 2025 23:00
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from kicad.units import *
from kicad import Point
import pcbnew
# importlib.reload(stemma_grid); stemma_grid.stemma_grid(pcb, 2, 1); pcbnew.Refresh()
RIGHT = (180, 360)
LEFT = (0, 180)
UP = (90, 270)
DOWN = (270, 90)
FULL = (0, 360)
pattern = {
(0, 0): DOWN,
(0, 1): RIGHT,
(0, 2): LEFT,
(1, 0): UP,
(1, 1): FULL,
(1, 2): DOWN,
(2, 0): RIGHT,
(2, 1): LEFT,
(2, 2): UP,
(0, 0, 1, 1, 270, 360),
(0, 1, 1, -1, 180, 270),
(1, 0, -1, 1, 0, 90),
(1, 1, -1, -1, 90, 180)
def _round(values):
return [round(v, 2) for v in values]
def stemma_grid(pcb, rows: int, cols: int, pos=(1, 1)):
height = 0.6 * rows
deciheight = 6 * rows
width = 0.6 * cols
deciwidth = 6 * cols
# Corners
for xmul, ymul, xshift, yshift, start, end in CORNERS:
x = pos[0] + xshift * 0.05 + (xmul * width)
y = pos[1] + yshift * 0.05 + (ymul * height)
pcb.add_arc(inch_to_mm(_round((x, y))), inch_to_mm(0.1 / 2), start, end, layer="Edge.Cuts")
logo = pcbnew.FootprintLoad("/home/tannewt/.local/share/kicad/7.0/footprints/adafruit.pretty", "ADAFRUIT_2.5MM")
logo_anchor = inch_to_mm([pos[0] + 0.01, pos[1] + 0.645])
anchor = inch_to_mm([pos[0] + 0.325, pos[1] + 0.6])
pcb.add_text(anchor, f"{rows}x{cols} v2", layer="F.Silkscreen", size=1.5, thickness=0.3)
# Horizontal edges and silk grid
for y in range(0, deciheight + 1):
if y % 6 != 0:
for layer in ["Edge.Cuts", "F.Silkscreen", "B.Silkscreen"]:
trim = 0.05
trim_left = 0
edge = y == 0 or y == deciheight
if edge and layer != "Edge.Cuts":
if not edge and layer == "Edge.Cuts":
if y == 6 and layer == "F.Silkscreen":
trim_left = 0.5
if cols == 1:
start = inch_to_mm(_round([pos[0] + trim + trim_left, pos[1] + y / 10]))
end = inch_to_mm(_round([pos[0] + width - trim, pos[1] + y / 10]))
pcb.add_line(start, end, layer=layer)
# Vertical edges and silk grid
for x in range(0, int(deciwidth) + 1):
if x % 6 != 0:
trim = 0.05
if x == 0 or x == deciwidth:
layers = ["Edge.Cuts"]
# Do silk and copper to give more of a tactile feel
layers = ["F.Silkscreen", "B.Silkscreen", "F.Cu", "B.Cu"]
start = inch_to_mm(_round([pos[0] + x / 10, pos[1] + trim]))
end = inch_to_mm(_round([pos[0] + x / 10, pos[1] + height - trim]))
for layer in layers:
pcb.add_line(start, end, layer=layer)
# Coordinates
for r in range(rows):
for c in range(cols):
anchor = _round(inch_to_mm([pos[0] + 0.3 + 0.6 * c, pos[1] + 0.3 + 0.6 * r + 0.1]))
pcb.add_text(anchor, f"{r},{c}", layer="F.Silkscreen")
pcb.add_text(anchor, f"{r},{c}", mirrored=True, layer="B.Silkscreen")
for x in range(0, deciwidth):
for y in range(0, deciheight):
start, end = pattern[((y // 2) % 3, (x // 2) % 3)]
shift = (0.1, 0.1)
if x % 2 != 0 or y % 2 != 0:
direction = pattern[((y // 2) % 3, (x // 2) % 3)]
if direction == RIGHT and y % 2 == 0:
start = _round(inch_to_mm([pos[0] + shift[0] + x / 10 - 0.1, pos[1] + shift[1] + y / 10 - 0.05]))
end = _round(inch_to_mm([pos[0] + shift[0] + x / 10 + 0.1, pos[1] + shift[1] + y / 10 - 0.05]))
pcb.add_line(start, end, layer="Edge.Cuts")
start = _round(inch_to_mm([pos[0] + shift[0] + x / 10 - 0.1, pos[1] + shift[1] + y / 10 + 0.05]))
end = _round(inch_to_mm([pos[0] + shift[0] + x / 10 + 0.1, pos[1] + shift[1] + y / 10 + 0.05]))
pcb.add_line(start, end, layer="Edge.Cuts")
elif direction == DOWN and x % 2 == 0:
start = _round(inch_to_mm([pos[0] + shift[0] + x / 10 - 0.05, pos[1] + shift[1] + y / 10 - 0.1]))
end = _round(inch_to_mm([pos[0] + shift[0] + x / 10 - 0.05, pos[1] + shift[1] + y / 10 + 0.1]))
pcb.add_line(start, end, layer="Edge.Cuts")
start = _round(inch_to_mm([pos[0] + shift[0] + x / 10 + 0.05, pos[1] + shift[1] + y / 10 - 0.1]))
end = _round(inch_to_mm([pos[0] + shift[0] + x / 10 + 0.05, pos[1] + shift[1] + y / 10 + 0.1]))
pcb.add_line(start, end, layer="Edge.Cuts")
# pcb.add_circle(round(inch_to_mm([pos[0] + x / 10, pos[1] + y / 10]), 0.04, layer="User.Eco1")
center = _round(inch_to_mm([pos[0] + shift[0] + x / 10, pos[1] + shift[1] + y / 10]))
pcb.add_arc(center, inch_to_mm(0.1 / 2), start, end, layer="Edge.Cuts")
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vkuehn commented Jul 22, 2023

@tannewt that looks very interesting. I am new to KiCad. I only found how to run plugins.Pip does not install kicad or pcbnew. Can you kindldy give some hint how to run that ?

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tannewt commented Jul 22, 2023 via email

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vkuehn commented Jul 22, 2023

Ubutu Linux 22.04, I did install KiCad and the Editor starts fine (version 7.0)

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When launching the Kicad command prompt and trying pip install kicad, I get the following error:

ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement kicad (from versions: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for kicad

Any suggestions on how to remedy that?

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tannewt commented Aug 24, 2023

@adi-b-kea Follow the installation instructions here:

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