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Adafruit CircuitPython Weekly - May 7th, 2018
Video is available here:
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Meetings happen Mondays at 11am Pacific / 2pm Eastern.
State of CircuitPython + Libraries 2:33
* 20 pull requests merged
* 5 authors - jepler, jerryneedell, deanm1278, tannewt, dhalbert
* 5 reviewers - deanm1278, kattni, tannewt, tdicola, dhalbert
* 1 new PRs, 1 authors - jerryneedell
* 7 closed issues by 3 people, 9 opened by 7 people
* 3 open pull requests
* 132 open issues
Download stats for 2.3.0
* arduino_zero - 13
* circuitplayground_express - 71
* feather_huzzah - 14
* feather_m0_adalogger - 10
* feather_m0_basic - 9
* feather_m0_express - 29
* feather_m0_rfm69 - 2
* feather_m0_rfm9x - 1
* gemma_m0 - 22
* itsybitsy_m0 - 4
* metro_m0_express - 17
* trinket_m0 - 26
218 total
Download stats for 3.0.0-alpha.6
* arduino_zero - 6
* circuitplayground_express - 26
* feather52 - 5
* feather_huzzah - 17
* feather_m0_adalogger - 7
* feather_m0_basic - 6
* feather_m0_express - 14
* feather_m0_rfm69 - 9
* feather_m0_rfm9x - 2
* gemma_m0 - 4
* itsybitsy_m0_express - 12
* metro_m0_express - 7
* metro_m4_express - 39
* trinket_m0 - 18
172 total
33 out of 428 repos need work.
ReadTheDocs missing the latest release. (Ignore me! RTD doesn't update when a new version is released. Only on pushes.) - 27
Missing .py files in examples folder - 2
Mismatched readthedocs.yml - 4
Failed to fetch latest release from GitHub - 1
CircuitPython drivers page missing driver - 1
Hug reports 5:32
@tannewt 6:00
* croadfeldt and dhalbert for flash corruption debugging and fix
* larsks for ESP8266 improvements
* mrmcwethy and jepler for help with ustruct/struct backwards compatibility
* jerryneedell for RFM9x LoRa driver improvements and debugging with 3.x
@Andon 7:29
Group Hug, as always, because everyone's awesome. Also to @sommersoft for hopping in and helping help someone debug Arduino stuff last night
@cefn 7:37
Hug reports to all the unsung heroes, who bothered to document the edge-cases of every possible version and project configuration of Open source nonlinear video editors Flowblade and latterly Kdenlive as well as everything else I've had to fix this week - did I mention I hate Android phones
@cater 8:45
group hug!
@Cgrover 8:55
Group hug!
Thank you to those who fixed power/bootup issue in circuitpython.
@dhalbert 9:19
* Thank to croadfelt for consistently breaking file system.
* Thanks to jerryneedell who reliably fixes our code too. :-) Found file system permission regression that will be fixed in 2.3.1
@jerryn 10:06
* Group hug
* dhalbert for file system help
@kattni 10:25
* dhalbert for CPX file system fix. just in time for CPX based conference badge.
* group hug!
@sommersoft 11:03
* Just a big 'ol group hug this week!
Status Update 11:28
@cefn 11:55
Been digging through the PS2 mechanical keyboards in the workshop's collection of recycled hardware. Dell AP102W (with Alps switches) might be coming your way next week !
@tannewt 12:32
* Got PDMIn checked in.
* Working on touchio for SAMD51.
* PyCon this week/weekend! No meeting next Monday. Will cover it the next week.
@Andon 15:08
Not at all CP related, but I hit "Fully Functional" with the code for my DigiBadges - On-board flash is working and semi-dynamic loading of SD cards now works, along with a few bugfixes. Next up: Trying to cram a menu system into the last 11% of program space on the ATMega328p - 3366 bytes!
@cater 15L52
Nothing new
@cefn 16:07
Recording Studio is built and automated with 4 cameras - Android phones for Wide and Macro, Kodak Closeup and X11Grab FFMPeg desktop recordings, synchronized automatically through audio using handy Kdenlive behaviour then edited through their handy Multi-view editing interface. All at 720p, is that too retro? Was just a bit easier since desktop pixels were bigger/readable, and render/preview times were lesser. How important is 1080p for online vids?
@CGrover 17:16
* Not much CircuitPython. Sent PCBs off to fab house.
* Learning Kicad!
* Libraries are confusing in Kicad.
* red and blue tape to create mask at 2x
@Dan Halbert 19:34
* Battery power fix
* working on M4 cache enable and QSPI support. MPU may help
* thanks to jepler for help
* pycon, flying thursday
there's a lot going on this morning! @tannewt I can't make it to the weekly meeting today due to $DAY_JOB obligations, so here's a summary of what I'm up to. This weekend was mostly spent finding (afl-fuzz), fixing and reporting crashing bugs in uzlib to upstream. CP and MP incorporate uzlib by copy, not by submodule; so I plan to prepare CP and MP pull requests with my fixes this week as well. Besides that I will pick off issues blocking CP3.0 according to my time and ability.
jerryn 21:30
* Playing with LoRa. Much improved!
* lowered default SPI rate due to flakiness
* rfm69 may have similar issues. frequency control doesn't work
kattni 23:04
* convention this weekend and workshop with circuitplayground express.
* wrote circuitpython for badge sophy did.
* two plotter pages done, waiting for videos
* guide with gemma for pycon gemmas. touch interface to change lights
* prepping hardware for open space tutorials
* leave for pycon on thursday
MikeBarela 24:58
* thank everyone for suggestions and pull requests!
* newsletter comes out tomorrow!
* no weekly meeting next week but we do have newsletter
sommersoft 26:09
Atmel Studio debugging guide is drafted. Needs review; awaiting feedback.
High Frequency PulseIn: started framework for SAMD Timer/Counter capture. pulseio.FrequencyIn is my working title. Will only focus on frequency; not planning to include PWM capture. Should be portable to at least nRF52840, if not both nRFs. ESPxx, probably not...
Discussion (In the weeds) 27:37
* Anyone else found SPI issues? rfm9x radio issues including system hang and file corruption. lowered baudrate made it all ok. talk with @jerryneedell if doing radio (rfm69 and LoRa) stuff. circuitpython can talk to arduino and vice versa.
* 30:47 Still have a puzzle around junk on input of UART of NodeMCU-M (ESP8285) - not the usual junk coming from the output pin, unless it can feed back somehow.
* 31:50 For the sprint, will discord be live? Maybe a digital/online sprint during the weekend would be easier and more fun.
* Schedule digital sprint!
* 35:30 PyCon talks are posted soon after they occur.
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