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Created December 7, 2022 22:21
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from elftools.dwarf.descriptions import describe_form_class
from elftools.elf.elffile import ELFFile
import sys
import json
import pathlib
std_to_type = {
"uint8_t": ("B", "int"),
"int8_t": ("b", "int"),
"bool": ("?", "bool"),
"uint16_t":("H", "int"),
"int16_t": ("h", "int"),
"uint32_t":("I", "int"),
"int32_t": ("i", "int")
elf_file = pathlib.Path(sys.argv[1])
ast_file = pathlib.Path(sys.argv[2])
ast = json.loads(ast_file.read_text())
c_globals = []
attributes = []
parameters = []
for i in ast["inner"]:
if i["kind"] == "VarDecl":
default_value = 0
comment = []
if "inner" in i:
for j in i["inner"]:
if j["kind"] == "ImplicitCastExpr":
default_value = j["inner"][0]["value"]
elif j["kind"] == "FullComment":
for p in j["inner"]:
pieces = []
for text in p["inner"]:
comment.append(" ".join(pieces))
print(" ", j)
qualType = i["type"]["qualType"]
c_globals.append((i["name"], qualType, default_value, comment))
attribute = False
if "volatile" in qualType:
t = qualType.replace("volatile", "").strip()
attribute = True
t = qualType
typecode = std_to_type.get(t, None)
if not typecode:
if attribute:
attributes.append((i["name"], typecode, "\n\n".join(comment), default_value))
parameters.append((i["name"], typecode, "\n".join(comment), default_value))
symbols = {}
binary = {}
with'rb') as f:
elffile = ELFFile(f)
symtab = elffile.get_section_by_name('.symtab')
for symbol in symtab.iter_symbols():
info = symbol["st_info"]
if and info["bind"] == "STB_GLOBAL" and info["type"] == "STT_OBJECT":
symbols[] = symbol["st_value"]
# Find the segment where the symbol is loaded to, as the symbol table points to
# the loaded address, not the offset in the file
file_offset = None
for seg in elffile.iter_segments():
if seg.header['p_type'] != 'PT_LOAD':
binary[seg["p_vaddr"]] =
# If the symbol is inside the range of a LOADed segment, calculate the file
# offset by subtracting the virtual start address and adding the file offset
# of the loaded section(s)
# if sym['st_value'] >= seg['p_vaddr'] and sym['st_value'] < seg['p_vaddr'] + seg['p_filesz']:
# file_offset = sym['st_value'] - seg['p_vaddr'] + seg['p_offset']
# break
total_size = 0
for start_address in binary:
total_size = max(total_size, start_address + len(binary))
class_name = "".join()
"""import struct
import memorymap
import espulp
class StructMemory:
def __init__(self, address, typecode):
self.address = address
self.typecode = typecode
self.buf = bytearray(struct.calcsize(typecode))
self.end = address + len(self.buf)
def __get__(
objtype = None,
self.buf = obj.memory_map[self.address:self.end]
return struct.unpack_from(self.typecode, self.buf)[0]
def __set__(self, obj, value) -> None:
struct.pack_into(self.typecode, self.buf, 0, value)
obj.memory_map[self.address:self.end] = self.buf
class Foo:""")
# volatile variables are class descriptors
for name, typecode, comment, _ in attributes:
address = symbols[name]
print(f" {name}: {typecode[1]} = StructMemory(0x{address:08x}, \"{typecode[0]}\")")
print(f" \"\"\"{comment}\"\"\"")
print(" def __init__(self,")
ps = []
for name, _, _, default_value in parameters:
ps.append(f"{name}: {typecode[1]} = {default_value}")
print(") -> None:")
print(" self.ulp = espulp.ULP()")
print(f" self.program = bytearray({total_size})")
for start_address in binary:
data = binary[start_address]
end = start_address + len(data)
print(f" self.program[{start_address}:{end}] = (")
offset = 0
while offset < len(data):
hex_bytes = "".join((f"\\x{b:02x}" for b in data[offset:offset+16]))
print(f" b\"{hex_bytes}\" # {start_address + offset:08x}")
offset += 16
print(" )")
for name, typecode, _, default_value in parameters:
address = symbols[name]
print(f" struct.pack_into(\"{typecode[0]}\", self.program, 0x{address:08x}, {name})")
print(" self.memory_map = memorymap.AddressWindow(0x60000000, 0x8000)")
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